Gogo The Savior

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"I thought you were sleeping" I say, shyly. I was kind of nervous talking to him now because I thought he was mad at me.

He stepped outside closing the shop door so it was just the two of us, "I...just woke up" He said, hesitantly.

We stood there awkwardly staring at each other in silence. I was about to break the silence when he did.

"I'm sorry..." He starts.

"About what?" I ask.

"After Hiro came in...you got along so well with him right from the start I was sort of..."

After a moment of silence I continued, "You were sort of...?" I questioned.

His cheeks started to turn pink and he looks away quietly saying, "jealous"

"You were what?" I start to smile.

"I'm not going to say it again" Now even his ears start to get red. He looks away and covers his face.

"I couldn't quite hear you" I say teasingly. I scoot up close to his covered face and smile. I grab his hands and remove them from his face.

"I was jealous, okay?"

"Why were you jealous? I mean it's not really a big deal--"

"It was a big deal--is. I've seen you around school before and always seen your drawings posted on the hallways. I thought you were amazing. Although, when I found out you were sort of a loner, I wanted to be the one to sort of, save you? If that makes sense. To be your friend. And then Gogo told me she was friends with you. It gave me a chance to get close to you and yet, you seemed so distant from me; so far away. And then Hiro, perfect little Hiro, comes out of nowhere and you guys become best friends like he had to exert not effort at all..."

Tadashi stares at me for a while waiting for my reply, but honestly I was astonished. It was so random. So absurd. So--

"Well?" He asks nervously awaiting my reply.

"Well what? I don't know what to say!"

"Well say something!"

I think; carefully choosing my next words, "Tadashi, there's many reasons as to why I didn't get along with you in the beginning, as well as getting along with Hiro too"

"...what are they?" He questions, impatiently.

"I don't think I could tell you right now"

"Why not? I won't be mad at you or anything"

"No Tadashi, it's not that, honest. My heart just isn't ready. What I can tell you is this. I know what you're feeling, that sibling rivalry. It doesn't matter, what should matter is that you're proud of your little brother no matter what" I start to tear up, "that no matter what happens you'll always be there for him. That you always love--"

I couldn't continue. I turned around and started to run, "I have to go!" I yell as I run down through the streets of San Fransokyo.

I look back and all I could see was a confused Tadashi with his hand in a way that he wanted to grab me. I look away and keep running towards my apartment.

I finally get to my front door after two hours of running and put the keys in and unlock my apartment. Suddenly my phone starts to ring.

I freak out thinking it's Tadashi when I spot the caller I.D. and see it's Gogo.

"Gogo?" I breath heavily.

"Ellie? Tadashi just called me informing me on some details about you that I am NOT happy about"

"Uhhh...I don't know what you're talking about" I lie.

"Seriously? You think I'm going to buy that bull? Why don't you tell me what really happened?"

"...I don't wanna"

"You better bet your butt you wanna! I'm listening, let me help"

I sigh, "Tadashi was telling me that he was jealous of Hiro"

"...and?" Gogo questions.

"Well I told him he shouldn't be, and then I thought of my little sister and..."

"Oh my God Ellie..."


"You need to tell Tadashi about her. He deserves that doesn't he? He really likes you--as a friend I mean...and this subject is going to keep popping up so..."

"But I can't do that...even telling you was extremely hard"

"And it made us closer, didn't it? It made me understand you so much than before. I think Tadashi deserves that as well since you guys will be seeing each other a lot of the time now since you will be working on his project"

"Yeah, I guess you're right" I reply, defeated.

"I'm always right" Gogo said. I could hear her smile in her speech.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, thanks Gogo"

"Okay. Nice talk. Do it soon or be square, talk to ya later Ellie"

"Bye, bye"

I hang up the phone and jump on my bed, sinking into the mattress thinking of all the events that happened.

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