New Presidential Election and Invasion of Poland by Germany

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After years of Garner's terrible plans to fix America,is kicked out of office. Alf Landon wins the presidential election against Garner four to one. Immediately Landon starts putting America back to work. He creates new ships yards,factory's,airports to get the economy back up. America quickly rises up out of the ashes in two years and is stronger than ever in healthcare,production, and in the army and the air force but not the navy. Americans see Landon as a hero and praise him for he put America to be the dominate power alongside the USSR. Meanwhile in Nazi Germany, Hitler begins to rebuild Germany's army and in three years does so. In the year 1939, the Nazi's invade Poland and immediately smash through Poland's army and conquers the country in less than a year. Meanwhile back in America Landon is elected for a second term and starts building up America's army in preparation if the Nazi's make it to America.

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