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The next morning i woke up to a loud knock on the trailer door, I groaned as I hear Ez yelled for them to be quiet. I smiled to myself as I stood up from the bed, I made my way to the door next to Ez. Angel stood there smirked on his face and cigarette in his mouth as he looked me over.

"Good night huh?" Angel smiled.

"No angel we slept separate" I laughed shaking my head.

Angel held his hands up in surrender.

"Get dress we gotta get to pops" Angel said walking away.

I sighed going to grab my shoes, not bothering to change out of Ez shirt, it was extremely comfortable.

"Sleep okay?" Ez smiled.

"Yeah I did thanks" I smiled softly.

I watched as Ez grab a black shirt pulling it over his head as he smirked at me.

"Shut it reyes!" I laughed grabbing my keys and opening the trailer door.

We walked in silence towards the bikes and my car, the yard was empty and bare my guess was everyone was hungover. The boys both got on their bikes as I put my car in drive, slowly driving from the lot as they followed. We arrived about 20 minutes later, I watched as the front door swung open and our son ran towards us.

"Daddy!" Little Ezekiel squealed.

"Hey buddy!" Ez laughed scooping him up kissing his cheek.

"All the sudden forget mommy exist" I playfully frown.

"Hi mama!" Little Ezekiel smiled.

"Jealous?" EZ laughed.

"A little" I chuckled.

I quickly placed a kiss on our sons head, as we all walked to greet Felipe. Hugging him tightly as he smiled at me.

"He behave?" I smiled.

"Always does mija" Felipe smiled.

"We made breakfast!" Little Ez smiled.

I smiled as we made our way inside, plates filled the table as I served everyone a portion. Ez held our son on his lap, I smiled at the sight of them smiles and laughs filled the air as we ate as a family. It felt complete for the moment and i enjoyed every minute of it.

"Night shift tonight mija?" Felipe asked as i picked up dishes.

"Yeah, gonna be a long night at the hospital" I half smiled.

"Well your one of the best nurses" Angel smiled.

"Sure I am" I laughed placing the dishes in the sink.

"Can Daddy and Uncle Angel watch me?" Little Ezekiel squealed.

"You know it kiddo" Angel smiled.

"Its gonna be daddy's first night alone with you so I can't wait!" Ez smiled.

Little Ez squealed as he got up from the table following Angel outside. Ez smiled coming to my side as he helped me dry plates.

"Here" I smiled pulling the extra key off my car keys.

"What's this?" Ez smiled.

"A house key for you, you know to come around when you want" I blushed.

"Penelope I'm flattered" Ez teased.

"Shut it, hey I gotta go home and change and get ready for work mind keeping Ez? Take him out for awhile?" I smiled.

"I'd love that" Ez smiled.

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