
712 19 3

I smiled as i pulled into the scrapyard, some of the boys sat outside everyone laughing and talking. As i parked my car I could spot Angel walking my way i smiled unbuckling myself. I stepped out grabbing the food I had made for the men.

"Hey!" I smiled towards Angel.

"Hey P!" Angel smiled.

"Uncle Angel!" Little Ez squealed.

"Hey kid!" Angel smiled unbuckling him.

"And my boyfriend?" I smirked.

"He went to pick up some beer, he'll be back soon" Angel smiled.

I simply nodded as we walked inside.

"Penny!" Bishop yelled happily.

"Hey bish, brought some dinner!" I smiled embracing him tightly.

"Glad you all came! My little prospect!" Bishop smiled ruffling Ezekiels head.

"Wanna go play?" Bishop smiled.

"Mhmm!" Little Ez smiled.

"I got him!" Taza smiled grabbing his hand.

"Yay!" Little Ezekiel squealed.

I watched as they both walked outside as i smiled walking towards the bar placing down the food.

"So I heard about you and Ez" Bishop smiled.

"Let me guess the Reyes Brothers told you?" I joked.

"Maybe that or the Prospect is a little to happy" Bishop smirked.

"Im happy for you both" Bishop smiled.

"Thanks bish!" I smiled.

"What we eating?" Angel smiled.

"Always hungry!" I laughed.

"Hey, your cooking is just like moms" Angel laughed.

"Made some enchiladas and a few sides" I smiled.

"Sounds delicious!" Coco called out.

I smiled as i began setting up the plates my thoughts distracted as i felt arms snake around me.

"Hey baby!" I giggled as Ez kissed my neck.

"Hi babe, smells so good!" Ez smiled.

"Hungry?" I smiled.

"Starving! You should see how cute Ez looks the boys made him a little prospect kutte" Ez smiled.

"Definitely need pictures of you both! Why don't we get him washed up to eat?" I chuckled.

"You got it baby!" Ez smiled walking outside.

"Dinner boys!" I yelled.

I smiled as i watched everyone run over i quickly started serving everyone as chucky passed out the beers. I smiled as i watched everyone eat, little Ez sat on his fathers lap in pure happiness as he ate and giggled. This was what it was about feeling like a whole family for once and for always.

"Thanks for dinner princesa!" Bishop smiled as he brought his plate.

"I don't mind Bishop i missed being around here!" I smiled.

"We always love having you all here with us" Bishop smiled.

I smiled at Ez as he stood up with a sleepy Ez in his arms.

"I should get him to bed, catch you after you finish up here?" I smiled.

"Of course amor, ill carry him out" Ez smiled.

I quickly made my rounds saying goodbye to all the guys, as I grabbed my things. Walking to the car Ez had our son all ready to go as he kissed his forehead closing the door.

"Ill see you at home baby" Ez smiled kissing my lips.

I smiled kissing him back as i got in my car closing the door waving off and driving out. Little Ezekiel was fast asleep in the back seat as we arrived home. Slowly getting him out and unlocking the house door as i walked to his room placing him in his bed tucking him in.

Turning on his little night light and closing the door as i walked to the kitchen. I sighed grabbing a glass to poor some wine in, as I changed into my pjs sitting on the couch to wait for Ez to come home. I skimmed through the channels as I heard Ez motorcycle approach.

"Im home baby" Ez smiled at me.

"Everything okay?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm just happy to be home with you both now." Ez smiled removing his kutte.

"Back to work tomorrow morning baby?" Ez questioned.

"Yes baby, unfortunately" i chuckled.

"Pop coming by?" Ez smiled.

I nodded as he sat next to me curling up to his side embracing him.

"I missed you today" I smiled up at him.

"Im always missing you baby!" Ez chuckled.

"You gonna shower?" I smiled.

"Why wanna come with?" Ez winked.

"Maybe, or we can get a little dirty before?" I smirked standing up.

Ez chuckled standing up and grabbing my hand dragging me towards the room.

"Shower it is!" Ez smiled wiggling his eyebrows.

I giggled as we closed the bedroom door, i went to start the shower as i stripped out of my clothes hoping in. Moments later Ez walked in joining me under the hot water, I smiled as he pulled me flush against his chest. I hummed as he began rubbing body wash all over my body slowly giving me little massages.

"Can I asked you something?" Ez hummed.

"Of course baby, anything." I smiled.

"What do you think of marriage?" Ez said softly.

"We talked about this baby." I giggled.

"Yeah in high school, just wanna make sure nothing has changed since we got older." Ez smiled.

"Well like I said before i want that more than anything, I still can picture it all happening." I smiled.

"When the time is right?" Ez smiled.

"Yes baby one day soon." I smiled.

"Penelope Reyes, I love the way that sounds!" Ez smiled.

I smiled turning to face him as i cupped his face kissing him gently. His arms snaking around my waist as he scooped me up, feeling his bulge on my thigh. The kisses becoming rougher and deeper as he gently pushed me against the wall.

"I want you." Ez whispered in my ear.

I grinned as i began placing kisses against his neck softly, goosebumps trickling our skin. As he slowly entered me my breath hitching as he moved in and out slowly. Moans escaping my lips as i moaned into his mouth, my walls becoming tight around him. The warm tingling feeling in my stomach as he thrusted deeper. My nails digging into his shoulder blades as let myself go and climaxed. Ez moans and groans getting louder as he released holding me close, pulling out my legs feeling like jello.

"I can't get enough of you." Ez smiled stroking my cheek.

"I love you." I smiled.

"With all that i am baby." Ez smiled.

I smiled as he turned off the water, wrapping a towel around me and carrying me to the room.

"Your gonna be my wife one day I swear!" Ez smiled laying me on the bed.

"Til death do us part baby." I smiled.

Ez smiled handing me my pjs as i slipped them on watching him slip on his boxers. Both of us laying in bed wrapped in each other's arms as we both feel into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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