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I sighed after a long shift at the hospital taking my keys out and unlocking my door. I quietly made my way around the house, passing a snoozing Angel on my couch. Passing my sons room he was fast asleep then I made my way down the hall towards my room, opening the door slowly. I jumped a little when I saw Ez spread out across my bed in just boxers. He was doing it on purpose and I knew it i grabbed my PJs going to change into my big shirt.

I knew it was around 6 in the morning and Ez was a kind of a heavy sleeper. I sighed climbing into bed with him pushing his musclar body a little so I'd fit. It wasn't until his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me flush against his chest.

"Morning" Ez groaned with a smile.

"Hi didn't wake you did I?" I whispered.

"Nope, close your eyes sleep" Ez said softly.

"Like this?" I chuckled.

"You know you want to" Ez teased.

"Had it all planned out huh reyes?" I laughed.

"Maybe" Ez smirked.

"Slow remember!?" I laughed.

"Yes ma'am until you say otherwise it's just us sleeping in the same bed cuddling that's slow" Ez smiled.

"Fine" I laughed.

Ez snuggled me into his chest as our breaths matched.

"For someone who wants slow you sure are a tease sleeping like that!" Ez laughed.

"Shh" I laughed.

I closed my eyes taking in his scent and listening to his heart beats as I slowly began to drift off to sleep. I didn't know how long I'd slept until I couldn't feel Ez warm body against mine. I dreaded it being gone it felt odd having him there and not having him there.

I got up out of my bed going to shower and freshen up before I went out. Taking a hot shower and putting on some sweats and a tank top as I walked towards the living room.

"Morning mama!" Little Ez smiled.

"Morning baby, how you sleep?" I smiled.

"Really good! Uncle Angel made me pancakes this morning too!" He smiled.

"Lucky you!" I laughed.

I smiled and walked towards the kitchen Ez sat at the table with Angel. Both smirking at me as I entered like they had been talking about me.

"Sleep good P?" Angel smirked.

"Chismoso!" I laughed.

Both Ez and Angel busted into laughter at my red face. As I smacked them over the head grabbing my coffee.

"What? I'm rooting for you guys just wondering when its gonna happen" Angel laughed.

"Uhuh." I smiled.

"So cute when you get all red" Ez teased.

"Keep it up!" I smiled.

"So is it cool if I take Little Dude to my place sleepover?" Angel smiled.

"Thats fine with me" I smiled.

"Cool, I packed him a bag and gonna go take him later for snacks or whatever he wants" Angel said getting up to get more coffee.

"No club shit today?" I asked.

"Nah we talked to the Bish said he had it cover tonight he gets it you know he is cool with it. But you do owe him food he said." Angel laughed.

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