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I groaned as I tossed around in my bed unable to find a comfortable spot to fall back asleep to. My door was closed as the faint sound of giggles were heard on my side of the door. I sighed standing up and pulling on some shorts as I opened the door exiting my room. As I made my way down the hall I noticed Little Ezekiel running into his room in excitement. As angel rounded the corner chuckling as his eyes met mine with a smile.

"Morning P" Angel smiled.

"Morning, what are you boys doing?" I chuckled.

"Hide and seek for the last hour little man is good" Angel laughed shaking his head.

"Ez?" I questioned.

"Went to meet Bishop." Angel replied.

"Mmm left you babysitting?" I sighed.

"Just for an hour then pop was gonna come by so you would get some sleep and you know us club shit" Angel Frowned.

"I see well I'm up now so you can head out I can handle it tell pops thank you though and thanks angel" I smiled.

"I got you P were family Dont worry about it" Angel smiled hugging me.

"Uncle Angel's gotta go" I yelled as Ezekiel popped out a minute later frown on his face.

"Hey dont worry I'll be back later Alright kid" Angel smiled kissing his head and ruffling it.

"Promise?" Ezekiel smiled.

"Swear, I love you E" Angel smiled as he walked out towards the front door.

The sound of his bike departed minutes later as I scooped up my son quickly his giggles echoing the house. Deciding on doing a little grocery shopping before I had to work, as I pushed Ezekiel around in the cart I let my mind wonder to Ez. Thinking about how things could of been if he never went to prison it pained me to think of how it all went down.

I sighed sitting down the groceries as Ezekiel ran to play in his room his giggles echoing the house. The sound of bikes approached as I put the groceries in there places.

"Hey P!" Coco smiled.

"Hey coco, surprise surprise how are you?" I smiled going to hug him.

"I'm alright, you?" Coco responded.

"I'm doing fair, how's letty?" I smiled.

"She is doing alright with some friends, were is Little boyscout?" Coco joked.

"His room" I smiled.

"Ezekiel! Tio Johnny came to see you!" I yelled.

"Hey!" Coco laughed picking up Ezekiel as he ran into his arms.

"Hey" Ez voice sounded as he entered the room.

"Daddy!" Little Ezekiel squealed.

"Hey buddy! I missed you" Ez chuckled kissing his head.

"Where's Angel?" Little Ezekiel questioned.

"He'll be here soon so tio Coco came to see you and hang out a little " Ez smiled.

"Can we go outside and swing?" Little Ezekiel smiled.

"You got it!" Coco laughed.

As they exited the kitchen I smiled, then turned to Ez. He looked handsome in his green long sleeve and kutte.

"You get to sleep?" Ez asked approaching me.

"Not really but I'll make it tonight" I joked.

"So tomorrow I was thinking We could take a drive just us?" Ez smiled.

"Is Ezekiel Reyes asking me out? I'm flattered" I smiled.

"Already made arrangements so" Ez shrugged.

"Damn just like that Reyes?" I smirked.

"Just like that!" Ez smirked.

"I'd like that" I blushed.

"I'm sorry I didn't say bye earlier" Ez frowned.

"Its ok really, I'm gonna go change for work" I smiled.

I quickly walked down the hall as Ez boots echoed behind me.

"Yes?" I laughed turning around.

"I got you something" Ez smiled.

He quickly turned down the hall and made his way to get the bag. As he smiled his million dollar smile at me making me weak at the knees. He careful handed me the bag as I smiled taking it quickly before biting my lip. As I opened it pulling out a silk red dress, it was absolutely beautiful I smiled.

"Its beautiful" I smiled.

"Turn around and close your eyes" Ez smiled.

I did as I was told as he placed something cold around my neck I opened my eyes as I looked down at what laid on my neck.

"Ez" I gasped lost for words.

"I want you to have it, it was my mom's" He sighed.

"Its beautiful" I smiled staring at ring that sat on my neck.

"Just know that your the women for me Penelope, I have a shitty way of showing things back then. I'm different now i know we said slow but I love you" Ez said softly.

I quickly turned around looking up at him.

"I love you more" I smiled.

"Impossible " Ez smirked.

I quickly pulled his face towards me as our lips came clashing together. Passion burning through me as his hand hugged my lower waist. Feeling myself want more I moan against his lips and his squeezed me tight. Moments later breaking the kiss apart he smiled at me softly.

"Slow ok?" Ez smiled.

"Ok" I smiled.

I knew what he meant he wanted us to build things up again the trust he wanted to show me he was different. I admired him for respecting my wishes of taking things nice and slow for now. I believed him down to every last word he told me, I knew he loved me his actions words were pure and sincere. I loved him I truly did that never change, the moment we kissed again for the first time I knew I still loved him.

"Get ready I'll be out back with the boys" Ez smiled.

I nodded disappearing into my room before I quickly turned to him.

"Feel free to use my bed tonight" I wink playfully.

"Damn you Penelope!" Ez smiled biting his lip.

"What we've slept in the same bed not like we are gonna have sex!" I joked.

"Not yet anyway until you beg me for it" Ez smirked walking away.

"Dream on Reyes!" I laughed.

"Keep saying that shit you'll see!" Ez laughed turning the corner.

I laughed as I went to shower and change into my scrubs, pulling my hair into a bun and putting on just foundation. As I looked myself over in the mirror content with my appearance I sighed grabbing my keys and heading to the back.

"See you later baby!" I smiled kissing little Ezekiels head as he swung.

"See you boys later, make yourself at home" I smiled

"Have a good shift, dont think to hard about what you'll come home to" Ez smirked.

I quickly flipped him off as he burst into laughter, coco joining in as I waved bye and headed to my car for yet another long shift at the hospital..

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