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I walked out further than I had ever before. This was the first time I had been more than a mile away from Mother's House.

I wish I had a choice to weither I could stay there or not. But I was kicked out for the week. I had been kicked out for days at times. But a week, I had never been kicked out that long. I had to be back before 3pm today though and by the sun it was already 2pm.

I looked around and saw a sparkling lake shimmering against the faint glow of the moon. As much as I hate to admit it I loved the forest.

I never went to town. Ha. I've never even seen a town before. Let alone anyone other than Mother and Father and my siblings.

I would always wonder what other people would be like. I was known in the house to be a rebioluis kid and never lissen to the rules. Father would every once in a while have a chat with Mother saying that I acted too gay.

As a almost seventeen year old I think I should know what that means but my parents never explain it to me. I wish they would but I know that they never will.

I walked up to the lake and looked in. And instead of seeing the moon glistening throughout the water I saw something somewhat in the shape of a moon but more of a Indigo color.

Weird. But must just be the color in the atmosphere or something like that. I never got a chance to learn anything but basics from Mother.

I wonder what school is like. I mean I know what school is because I have had schooling lessons every friday. But it was always with Mother because Father is always too busy too spend time with us.

I sat down by the bank of the river. I never liked to swim. But getting my feet wet and dipping them in was a different case.

I heard something move behind the bushes. I knew it was either a cat or fox. And being honest I think that they are cute. But Mother never let's me bring one back to keep as a pet.

I looked back towards the bushes where I heard the noise. I moved my hand. Being twenty feet away ment nothing to me. Ha I figure my limit is one hundred feet.

While I moved my hand I focused my mind on moving aside some of the leaves. People would say I'm out of my mind if I did something like this in front of them. At least that's what I think. As Mother and Father thought the same. Even though its true

The leaves on the bushes moved aside and a small fawn came out. I smiled. Never seeing one fawn on it's own before I walked up to it with my palm out so it could check me out.

The baby fawn came closer. I heard something move about behind me. I knew it was time to head back.

The birds above started to speak in a rushed voice and fly out above the trees. Always in a hurry I thought.

I turned back to the one baby fawn. A small warming smile formed on my face. I hoped the baby fawn wasnt scared. I could feel a anxious aura around the little fawn.

"Its okay" I tried to say in a soothing tone. Apparently it scared the baby fawn because it started to back up a bit in fear.

I didnt like that it was getting scared from me. I've never looked harmless and I have been told this by my family. Mother would have said I'm too gay from being too kind and nice unlike my brothers. Father would always say I have the body of a straight man but mindset of a gay man. I still dont understand what they mean by that though.

I backed up slowly. Not wanting to scare away the fawn all too much more than I had already done. I stood up and looked back at the baby fawn.

It looked so harmless. So small. But from my youngest brother's saying the strongest things come in the smallest packages. Or in his case shortest. Man he had muscles though.

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