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It was a little awkward at first but then the show turned on.

I dont know why but them having a TV shocked me. And the fact that they get all the early access shows too. Not fare.

We watched The Devils Mark and when it was over everything went back to being quiet.

Jongho had asked everyone as, everyone was sitting at the tv, if anyone wanted any dinner.

I said yes by nodding my head. I dont know what Jongho was cooking but it smelt delicious from where I sat.

Knowing where the Kitchen was I got up and walked towards it. It was only one hallway and luckily there was no door to it. Just an archway.

"Look at you. Knowing where everything is." I overheard Jongho's voice from the Kitchen area.

I was still a little shy and awkward around him. And everyone else for that matter. Mingi didn't even like me.

"Its not that Mingi doesn't like you its he doesn't want you to be the Lightened Angle." Jongho said as I sat down on one of the stools.

I put my hsnds up on the counter. I was still shocked how everything came to this but knew it was fine. Something about Jongho and the others intrested me.

They were growing on me. I didn't feel all too uncomfortable around all of them. But it definitely wasnt like we were all comfortable around each other.

I hummed in response not knowing what to say. The fact that he can read minds shocked me. He hadn't said anything about it before but he definitely read minds.

"And I made Chicken for dinner. We all like Chicken not just you." He said turning around to face me.

I could see his veins on his hands. How did he know I like chicken. Dammit I need to stop thinking about how hot he is since he can read my mind.

"Thanks. And you mentioned it when you were sleeping. You were mumbling about it."

I mumble about Chicken? "Yes you do. Its cute. Like you were hungry in your sleep." I heard Jongho laugh.

"What would be wrong for me to be the Lightened Angle?" I asked him, wanting to know why Mingi didn't want it to happen.

"Because if you are then you have to save everyone. And you have to kill someone that no one else can kill. But by doing that you will have saved the world without the world ever knowing it needed saving." Jongho said making it a little bit easier to understand.

"Is there a way for you to not read my mind?" I asked him needing to know. "I like lisseing to your thoughts. Their cute and interesting. And I come up more than the others so I like that part too." Jongho said cockly.

I let out a chuckle. Is there a way for him to not read my mind though?

"No. I just have to not pay attention. But I can't not pay attention to your thoughts."

"Why not?" "Because then if something happened I would need to know."

I watched as he turned around as the blush rose to his cheeks. He knew about that.

"What do you mean? Nothing would happen." "No. Your feelings and thoughts come back into one big thought. All you ever think about is family. And love." "Your smarter than you look."

We spent the next half an hour talking about a lot of nothing. I was finally feeling comfortable around him.

Somewhere sometime Wooyoung and San joined in the conversation. I felt more at home then I did at Mother's house.

I watched Jongho smile a big smile after I thought that. He must be glad I'm warming up to everyone and getting comfortable.

"Well dinners done. Woosan go get Yungi and Hongjoong." Jongho asked Wooyoung and San.

"Yunho and Mingi are called Yungi for short. And Wooyoung and San are called Woosan for short. They even call themselves that. And they say they're just friends." Jongho said mumbling to himself out loud.

I didn't butt in. But I did ask if I could help with anything. I was told to bring the chicken to the food table.

Not fully remembering where that was I followed Jongho. "I wish I could read minds."

As soon as I said this Jongho let out a laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked him generally confused. "You'll see."

After we brought everything to the table everyone was sat around the table.

There were two empty chairs. I sat in the one closer to Jongho because I wasn't all close to Mingi. He scared me.

"Thank you for dinner Jongie." San said looking innocent. I knew enough that he had two sides.

"Thank you." I said while looking at my lap. When I looked up I saw Jongho smiling his gummy smile. "Your welcome. Dig in."

And with that everyone started eating.

We talked about anything that can up. Like a family if I were being honest. We talked about shows and books and the latest things happening in the Forest. And outside the forest.

I made comments here and there so I wasn't just silent. I was glad to warm up to them so fast.

San ate one of the drum rolls in one bite and the face he made once he saw he did was cute. He looked like a innocent baby.

Once everyone was done they all cleaned up and went to their rooms. I put the dishes I used where everyone else put them. In the sink.

"Thank you Yeosang. Now follow me and I'll walk you to your room." Jongho said once everyone else was in their rooms.

I said okay and folowed him. Making mental notes on where a bunch of rooms were.

"Here you go. Your room is right across from mine. And Yunho and Mingi's room is sound proof so you wont hear anything. Go to bed and I'll see you in the morning. Night." "Night."

And with that he closed the door. It looked as if he wanted to say more but didn't. I didn't pry or question it either.

I turned around and walked towards the bed I would sleep in. I ploped down on the bed and passed right out.

Not noticing how tired I was before my head hit the pillow. And not bothering to change clothes.

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