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Hi!!! I'm posting this prologue to give you all something to look forward to in this book. Updates may be a bit slower than my other fanfics. Cover done by me, yes I know it's a bit weird but it was the only design that I came up with that I kinda liked. I might change it in the future if I come up with a better design. Any who, you my dear reader in this prologue are at the age of 5. Though the rest of the book takes place when you are 23 cause that's how old I think Fenton is. I'm making up a name for your parents cause it'll be easier for me to do that. I hope you enjoy wonderful people! Oh and quick heads up, this prologue gets deadly.

''Mommy, when's daddy coming home?'' you asked looking out your house window at the driveway. 

"Soon dear, soon." your mother responded making dinner in the kitchen.

You let out a sigh, and rested your head on the windowsill, "I hope so." 


  Hours seemed to go by, and no sign of your father, you waited patiently by the windowsill, looking out over the driveway. Nothing.

''Come on (Y/n) sweetie, dinner will get cold. I'm sure daddy's just running a bit late that's all.'' your mother said.

''But I want to be the first thing daddy sees when he comes.'' you pleaded.

  Your mother let out a sigh, she was worried about her husband, he was never late. She feared they had finally found him. She walked over to the windowsill where you were sitting and sat down next to you. ''Let's wait together then.''

  The two of you sat patiently together, waiting. Dinner was defiantly cold. Your mother hugged you close, fear shone in her eyes.

''Please come home daddy, please.'' you whispered.

  Suddenly the phone rang, your mother got up quickly and rushed over to answer it. 

''Hello?'' she asked into the phone.

  You could barely hear the muffled voice on the other side, but the voice sounded like your father from what you could hear.

''Oh no, no no no, why today of all days?!'' your mother said eyes growing wide, ''Okay, Zach I need you to calm down, where should (y/n) and I meet you.''

More muffled talking.

''Okay, I'll be sure to meet you there as soon as possible. Please try to stay safe for the time being.'' she hung up and turned to you.

''Mommy, was that daddy?'' you asked hopefully.

  Your mother looked at you her eyes tearing up, she walked over to you and knelt down so she was level with you, ''Yes (y/n), I know none of this will make sense to you, but some very bad people are looking for us right now. We need to leave here as soon as possible.''

  You nodded, slightly confused but you saw the worry in your mothers eyes and you knew something was wrong.

  She gave you a small smile and took your hand leading you to the garage. The two of you got in the car and your mother drove away from the house fast. A car seemed to follow behind at a good distance, your mother noticed this and started to drive faster. The car kept gaining on you. Your mother turned a sharp corner abruptly and and other car sped past. She stopped the car and got you out of your booster. She picked you up and ran as fast as she could away from the car. You looked back at the car, as soon as you did it blew up bursting into flames.

  You let out a whimper and hugged your mother closer, she tightened her grip and told you everything was going to be okay. What was going on? The two of you ran through the busy streets of Duckburg fearing for your life. Your mother turned a corner and entered an alleyway and there standing in the alleyway was your father.

You in a New Light (Fenton x reader)Where stories live. Discover now