Ch 2: Coffee and Run-ins

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Kill me, just kill me I updated this when I should really be working on my Varian x reader. I'm such a procrastinator gosh. But I couldn't help it this chapter was so darn cute to write! Oh and btw you currently live with your dad in a apartment in Duckburg. The you both found it easier just to live together since the two of you were both police officers. You may or may not be moving out soon though...

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Beep Beep Beep...

That was the first sound you heard when you woke up that strange Monday morning. You hated your alarm clock, always had and always will. You lazily moved your hand from out of your warm covers over to the clock, searching for that darn snooze button. "Need. More. Sleep." you muttered under your breath. You were to lazy to sit up and look for the snooze bar with, well, your eyes. Hands would have to do.

Beep Beep Beep...

  The lazy searching turned into you slamming the alarm clock still trying to find the button. "Ugh, why can I find that stupid button!?" With your patience run thin you picked up the clock and threw it across the room.

  The beeping stopped, much to your relief, but now you had a broken alarm clock on your bedroom floor. Ugh, more things to take care of. With the alarm clock no longer ringing like crazy you felt yourself dozing off into a much needed nap.

  Two weeks into your job as the chief of police and stress had completely taken over your life. A murder there, robbery, wanted criminals still on the loose, who knew being Chief would be so much work? Sleeping was now the only thing you looked forward to each day.

  The alarm on your phone woke you up. Yes, you had two alarms cause you had the tendency to break your alarm clock a lot so you always set a alarm on your phone as a last resort. You picked up your phone and checked the time. As soon as you did you immediately regretted it.

  Your eyes widened in surprise, 6:35? It's 6:35 am?! You were late, very late. In fact you were supposed to meet your bestie for coffee in under thirty minutes! AND YOU WERE STILL IN YOUR FREAKING PJS! Why didn't your alarm clock wake you up? Oh, wait that's right you broke it, again. You looked in the direction of the broken clock. Yup, it was still there. No time to clean the mess though.

You hopped out of bed and did your morning routine at 2x speed. Once you were done you sprinted down the stairs dressed in your uniform.

"Hi Dad! Bye Dad!" you yelled running past the kitchen where your Dad had been having his breakfast.

"You know a simple 'good morning' would be nice to get from you once in a while!" your dad called.

"No can do pops! I'm late enough as it is already!" you called back. You shoved your keys, phone, and wallet into your pockets and put on your belt with your gun, pepper spray, taser, etc. You fixed your badge in the mirror at the doorway and put on your cap. Then finally you were ready and exactly at 7 on the dot.

Luckily Starducks was only a block away from your apartment so you didn't have to run too long to get there. You hoped your friend wouldn't be too upset that you were late. She could be very sensitive at times. The streets were quite busy this Monday morning with cars and moody people everywhere.

"Excuse me." "Pardon me," "Coming through," you said pushing past all the pedestrians. Finally you made it to Starducks and saw your friend, Cora waiting just outside.

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