Ch 3: The Hamada Case

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Tbh all my police knowledge is coming from the movie zootopia lol and turns out Officer Cabrera aka Fentons mom name in the Italian dub version is Gloria so her first name is now Gloria in this book.

So school's starting soon.... um idk if I'll be able to update that much I'll try my best tho. I really like writing this book and I got like millions of things planned for it so it won't go on hold. Love you all!

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Are you blackmailing me?

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Being late.

   One thing Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera seemed to be good at. The very disorganized duck had woken up this Monday morning 10 minutes before he was supposed to be at work. The reason why Fenton had slept in was very simple: Gizmoduck. He had spent almost all last night defending the city from villains, robbers, etc. not to mention running away from the police. They seemed to have a lot less tolerance for him lately. All of this work had left an exhausted Fenton, going to bed at 4 a.m. when he was supposed to be getting up for work two hours later.

  Two hours of sleep, great.

  This morning had definitely been a bad one, but that all changed when Fenton ran into you. There was something about you that was special to him. The fact that Fenton had had the guts to give you his phone number even surprised him. Fenton would've never guessed that, well, you would be the one....

  Fenton burst through the underwater lab doors, panting and out of breath, "I'M HERE!" he exclaimed.

  Gyro was standing impatiently with his arms crossed, staring daggers at Fenton, "You're late, again."

  Fenton sighed as he put down his bag, "I'm so sorry Dr. Gearloose I promise it won't happen again.''

  Gyro rolled his eyes, "That's what you said the last time, the time before that, and the time before that. When are you actually gonna take this work seriously, intern."

"I do take this work seriously! I've just been so busy lately..." Fenton started, "also the reason I was late was because I spilled coffee on a officer on my way here."

"WHAT?! I thought you were keeping a low profile with the police! The last thing we need is them figuring out who Gizmoduck is." Gyro started pacing around the room, "How could you be so smart yet so dumb at the same time!"

  Fenton eyes brightened, "You think I'm smart!"

"Don't read into it." Gyro responded sipping coffee, "Who was this officer by the way?"

  A smile spread across Fenton's beak as he stared off into the distance, "I swear I've never met another person like her. Her name was (y/n), Officer (y/n)."

  Gyro spit out his coffee, "(Y/N)?! OFFICER (Y/N)?! HOLY SH** INTERN DO YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS?!"

"An officer...?" Fenton answered.

"Does 'the city doesn't need some guy in a suit' ring a bell?!

"OH MY GOSH THAT WAS THE CHIEF OF POLICE HERSELF!" Fenton started freaking out, "I spilled coffee on the one person who hates Gizmoduck the most! I'm so stupid ugh!"

You in a New Light (Fenton x reader)Where stories live. Discover now