Ch 1: Why I Hate Gizmoduck

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This chapter took me forever to write. I wrote it like 10 times before finding a version I liked. Also it's kinda long. Ugh I hate it when I write too much for my own good! I'm gonna try and make the other chapters a bit shorter.

That prologue was the past now the rest of the story takes place in present day Duckburg. You are 23. Takes place in season 1 so Gizmoduck is still pretty new to the city.

Also I know talking about police might be a sensitive topic for some of you right now and this book literally revolves around a police/you. So I'm sorry if this bothers you in any way. Since this is the world of Ducktales none of happened. 


The city doesn't need some guy in a suit...


18 years later

 "... and I promise that as the new chief police it will be my duty and pleasure to protect the city of Duckburg from all harm and evil." you concluded speaking into the microphone. You looked out over the large crowd of people that had gathered to your orientation as chief of the police of Duckburg and smiled.

  Many eyes from reporters to close friends and fellow colleagues stood speechless for a second. Your speech had been very inspiring. Then they all burst into applause. 

  You beamed with pride, you had never really been the best public speaker. But now since you were the new chief of police you would probably have to be making public speeches a lot. You stepped down from the podium and returned to your seat.

  The rest of the orientation went by in a blur and before you knew it reporters were bombarding you with questions at the reception.

 "What are your plans for the city?"

 " How are you planning on improving the security of the people? "

 "Is it true that you became a police officer due to the events of your past?" 

 " Why do you want to be chief police? "            

 "Are you okay with being the second female chief police in the history of Duckburg?" 

  You tried answering the questions the best you could, most of them annoyed you like heck. You just kinda wanted some time alone maybe chat with friends if you wanted to.

  Finally, you were able to push your way out of the crowd of reporters much to your relief. You walked over to a table in the back of the reception room and plopped down into the chair. Not even an hour on the job and you were already tried. You hadn't even been doing real work! 

"You look like you've had better days." said a voice from behind you. You turned around to see your foster dad holding a plate.

"Hi dad." you sigh.

  A little background before I continue with your story. After that day your parents died you were put in foster care since the police couldn't find any other relatives. You spent almost four years moving from house to house trying to find a family you stuck with. Nobody seemed to want you. Probably because once they found out what happened to your parents they were probably too scared to take care of you. It was hard trying to deal with the death of your parents while also trying to be as nice and sweet as possible to the people who took care of you. 

  Life finally started to turn around when you went to stay with Officer Luke Kelly. Coincidentally he was the same officer who had been by your side comforting you on the day your parents died. The two of you seemed to click. A father and daughter the two of you became, until when you turned 11 you were adopted by him and became his daughter officially, but you still kept your last name for some strange reason. 

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