Chapter 3

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The night went by like any other night, but with Eiji looking forward to a weekend alone. Or so he thought...

It was eight in the morning and Eiji woke up to the repeated use of his doorbell. Eiji got up slowly and walked to the door scratching his head.

"Yeah, Yeah I hear you! Who is it this loud in the morning...?"

Eiji opened his door to see Hikari, Ryo, and Kohaku in front of him smiling. Hikari raised her hand for a slight wave.


Eiji immediately tried to slam the door, but unfortunately Hikari grabbed the end of the door on time.

"Why are you guys here!? How do you know where I live!?" Eiji panicked trying to pull his door closed with all his might.

"While you were going home last night we followed you to see where you lived! Now that we're here let us in!" Hikari strengthened her pull on the door as she glared at Eiji through the opened crack as if she was going to take advantage of him.

So that's what she was planning! I knew she wouldn't have just let me go home!

"Who does that! Are you guys stalkers!" Eiji screamed and kept trying to pull, but in the end Eiji lost his grip and his door opened. With Eiji on the ground Ryo walked up to him and lent out his hand

"It was Takaki's idea! Since you bailed on us yesterday! Ha ha!"

"That's because she told me to leave!" Eiji stood up immediately and stared at the group of people in front of him.

"Well since the doors open we're coming in!" Hikari and Kohaku walked past Ryo and into Eiji's living room.

Scratching his head, Eiji gave up and closed the door behind them.

"Ahhh! Just do whatever you want!"

"So this is where you live? Kinda small don't you think?" Hikari stated as she looked around Eiji's apartment

"I mean, since I'm usually alone I don't really need a big place to live in..." plus this is the cheapest building my parents could find... Eiji thought to himself

"Ah... But you're no longer alone! You got us! Is this your room?"

Hikari saw a door at the corner of the living room and went straight towards it, without thinking at all she opened the door and went inside.

"Morino! Machida! Come here and look at what's in Eiji's room!"

"What's in his room!?" Kohaku replied by dragging Ryo with her towards Eiji's room with Eiji right behind them.

"Wow! That's a lot of manga!"

"I read a lot." Eiji replied, staring at Hikari, Kohaku, and Ryo messing his room up.

"Are these all romance mangas!? I didn't expect you to be that kind of guy Eiji!" Hikari lifted up five different types of manga showing them to Eiji.

"Yeah, I like the endings... Now stop messing up my room!" Eiji took the books out of Hikari's hand and placed them back on his shelf.

"Well since we're already here, let's celebrate our new formed friendship with a party in your house!" Ryo jumped up putting his arms around Eiji.

"Yeah! We should do that! Right Eiji!" Kohaku speed walks up to Eiji's face and stares at him with Hikari staring at him from behind her.

Contemplating on whether to be afraid or feel bad Eiji sighed and just decided to give up and go with the flow. "Just do whatever you guys want, I don't care anymore..."

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