Family breakfast with Theodosia

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Philip had woken up the next morning,, yawning slightly,, sitting up. He cleared his throat,, sanding up,, he walked over to his bedroom door,, opening it. He sighed,, walking downstairs to the kitchen,, his eyes widened seeing.. Theodosia... ? He raised an eyebrow sitting down beside Angelica,, his sister,, "hm,, whats Theodosia doing here,, Angie ? " he had whispered into her ear,, which in response,, Angelica shrugged. "Mm,, I don't really know honestly " she whispered back. Philip nodded slightly and rubbed the back of his neck,, Theodosia had sat next to Philip,, putting her hand on his thigh,, not in a sexual way of course though. Philip blushed slightly as he felt her hand go onto his thigh,, he smiled and had placed his hand on top of hers. Angie looked at the twos hands before rolling her eyes. "Not at the table you two " she joked a playful smirk on her face. Philip stuck his tongue out at her before Alexander had came downstairs. "Philip,, calm down - " he joked,, ruffling his hair as he had walked by since this was his father. Eliza soon walked downstairs,, looking at the three kids who were up at the moment. She sighed before walking back upstairs to wake everyone else up. Alexander hummed to himself "so,, Hows Aaron,, Theodosia ? " he had asked,, walking over to the three with a coffee mug in hand. Theodosia smiled slightly then rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand. "Well,, Father and I have been getting into a lot of arguments so,, I guess good ? - " she joked with a small giggle. Philip blushed upon hearing Theodosia giggle. He smiled and bit down onto his bottom lip slightly looking to the side,, Angie laughed slightly yet playfully,, she pushed Philip playfully with a small chuckle,, Philip snickered and stuck his tongue out playfully at her. Eliza Holly,, Alexander Jr,, James,, John and William had walked downstairs. Eliza Holly in Eliza arms,, she was pretty tired,, Eliza Holly snuggled up into Elizas arms which made her smile softly,, Theodosia smiled and waved slightly at Eliza. "Ah,, hello Mrs.Hamilton " she smiled slightly,, Eliza waved with her free hand and had walked over to the kitchen table,, she put Eliza Holly down in one of the seats,, Alexander Jr,, John and James were playing around at the table of course - Philip held Theodosias hand a soft smile on his face as he did so. Eliza hummed to herself,, acting like Alexander wasn't there,, she didn't want to see him or even talk to him. "Morning Betsy.. " Alexander said,, a soft smile on his face. Eliza death glared him. "It's Elizabeth to you... " She growled before sitting down at the table,, Alexander was going to make breakfast that morning since Eliza had been mad at him and all if that makes sense - Philip looked at his parents,, first Eliza then Alexander. He sighed then looked at Theodosia. "So,, what happen to your father saying he would ground you if he saw you around me ? " the curly haired boy had asked,, a frown on his face. Theodosia playfully giggled. "He is out for today so I didn't feel like staying home and not eating at all " she had joked. Philip playfully laughed and rolled his eyes. "I see " he joked. Angie rolled her eyes looking at James,, Alexander Jr and John play fighting. She put her hands over her face before flicking one of them on the arm. "Shut up - please - I'm trying to watch what happens with these two - and try to see if they whisper anything to each other ~ " she teased and laughed softly. Eliza sat there,, quite upset but had to act strong in front of the children. She looked over at Alexander,, she loved him still,, she quickly stood up then ran over to Alexander who was making pancake mix,, she wrapped her arms around him. "Alexander... " she had mumbled. "Elizabeth ? " he asked,, trying to see her,, he couldn't really since she was behind him and he was making everybody pancakes. "You mean Betsy - " she joked a soft chuckle,, she quickly unwrapped her arms from his waist. Alexander felt tears growing in his eyes,, a bright yet warm smile growing onto his face. He quickly picked her up and kissed her in the air. Eliza was a bit shocked by this but smiled in the kiss. Philip raised an eyebrow looking at his parents. He snickered slightly and rolled his eyes playfully. Theodosia looked over to see the two kissing,, she looked over at Philip and smiled slightly. "Why can't that be us ~ " she teased. Philip rolled his eyes. "Because of your father,, dear ~ " he joked. Theodosia kissed him on the lips then stood up making Philip stand up as well. The two walked over to the pancake mix and Theodosia had started to mix it,, after a few she hand it to Philip,, he dipped his finger in it and tried it,, he nodded,, a smile on his face. Theodosia chuckled playfully before doing all of that good stuff. Alexander had pulled away from the kiss,, putting Eliza back down,, blushing. "You're so cute when you blush " Eliza teased,, booping his nose with the tip of her finger. Alexander gasped dramatically as a joked and smirked. "Uh - Huh,, whatever you say,, Betsy " he joked,, sticking his tongue out at her. Philip rolled his eyes. "Not in front of the younger ones - " he joked. Alexander laughed slightly,, walking over to Philip,, he ruffled his hair and smirked softly. "You used to deal with us doing that all the time,, their fine ! " he joked. Eliza sighed slightly,, Philip looked confused yet embarrassed. "What about that time I found mom and you kissing in your office and ma was on top of the desk ,, pops " he teased,, putting his hands on his hips. Alexander laughed slightly,, rolling his eyes. "Oh hush " he said,, ruffling his hair once again. Soon enough the pancakes were done,, everyone in their seat and eating,, James,, John,, William and Alexander Jr had calmed down,, sure Alexander Jr was the third oldest but he could he childish when he wanted to be. Soon everyone had finished eating Philip and Theodosia had gone upstairs,, they were just sitting on Philips bed. He was blushing slightly,, a soft smile on his face as he leaned against the wall that was behind his bed. He closed his eyes before Theodosia had leaned her head on his shoulder. "Can I stay here for the night.... ? " she mumbled,, looking to the side. Philip nodded. "'Mhm,, you can... I can just sleep on the couch I gues - " he was cut off by Theodosia. "Nope ! I want you to sleep upstairs with me " she smiled softly,, closing her eyes,, Philip looked down at her before chuckling playfully. "Alright,, but we're not going to bed at the moment,, it's pretty early "

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