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Philip and Theodosia had been at the lake for more then a few hours they were there since the afternoon now it was now around 9:30 pm. Philip hummed to himself while his feet were in the water. Theodosia had one of her feet in the other but her legs were crossed so she only had one in. You would be able to see the sunset by the trees. Theodosia rested her hand on top of Philips before putting her head on his shoulder. Philip raised an eyebrow before letting out an soft chuckle,, wrapping an arm around her. "Why can't we just be in a relationship with people knowing... " he muttered. Theodosia sighed a bit before looking up at Philip,, kissing his cheek. "You know why Pip... our fathers aren't very fond of each other.. you know that... " she muttered. Philip huffed a bit. "Well maybe they should fuc - " Philip got caught off by Theodosia putting one of her fingers over his lips. "Goodness,, how many times do you say Fuck ? " she teased with an small snicker. Philip rolled his eyes playfully while looking down at Theodosia. "Not that often " he hummed,, putting his hand on her cheek which she had leaned into his touch. "Uh huh,, whatever you say Hamilton " she teased once more before narrowing her eyes to the side to see the sunset. It was a beautiful orange colour yet there was some purple,, reds and yellows in there which made her smile. "Hey pip,, look at the sunset " she smiled playfully. Philip looked over to the sunset before an bright smile grew onto his face. "It's beautiful... " he mumbled. Theodosia had nodded. "Yeah... " she mumbled before she had put her head back down onto his shoulder which Philip had put his head on top of hers while watching the sunset. The setting just made it beautiful to watch. Philip wrapped one of his arms around her which made Theo cuddle up to him,, stars in her eyes while she looked at the beautiful sky.

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