Come on !

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Philip and Theodosia had been in Philips room half of the day. He hummed as he sat at his desk,, of course writing poems,, Theodosia had been looking around Philips room. He hadn't changed at all since they were kids,, his walls were an faded colour she couldn't remember what his walls were like back then except he had used to have pictures on them of course but now they weren't there,, she looked over at Philip who was still sitting at his desk writhing. "Hey Pip " she hummed,, walking over to him. Philip had raised an eyebrow putting his quill down before he had looked up at Theo. "Yup ? " he said,, in a confused tone. "What happened to all of the pictures you used to have up on your wall ? " she had asked,, raising an eyebrow. Philip chuckled softly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well,, it's the joys of living with younger siblings " he had joked,, rolling his eyes playfully. Theodosia sighed and had rolled her eyes as well. "Goodness - " she got cut off by Angie walking into the room. "Philip,, Theo,, Mum and Pops wants us all to get out of the house and go to the lake - " she said,, leaning against the door way. Philip sighed but had nodded. "Got it " he joked. "Theo,, you could probably borrow one of my swimsuits " she had joked with an shrug. Theodosia smiled and nodded "sounds like an plan Angie " she hummed. Philip was left in his room,, he didn't need to get changed so he was fine. He had walked out,, walking downstairs. He had sat down beside Alexander on the sofa before they had waited for everyone else. Soon enough everyone had finished getting ready so they all had headed out to the lake. Alexander and Eliza were holding hands as they walked with the kids,, Eliza was of course holding Little Eliza Jr in her arms with an soft smile,, Alexander smiled softly with an soft chuckle as he had looked down at Little Eliza Jr. Philip and Theodosia had been walking in the back,, their pinky fingers holding onto each other so nobody would see. Philip hummed while he had walked and Theodosia whistled along with him before William had freaked out. "Why are you whistling ?! You know that can bring evil spirits,, right ?! " he panicked. Philip pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "William - that's only if you're inside - " he had rolled his eyes playfully. Theodosia rolled her eyes playfully. "Not even gonna ask you boys - " she had joked before walking over to Angie and walked with her instead. Philip sighed slightly and put his hands in his pockets before Alexander Jr had walked over to Philip,, now walking with him. "Your girlfriend leave ya for Angie ? " he teased,, elbowing Philip. He had groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh my lord - " Philip mumbled. Soon enough all of them had made it to the lake,, both Theodosia and Philips face lit up. They knew this place better then anyone in town.  "No way ! " Philip smiled and quickly ran over to the lake as so did Theodosia. They were freaking out,, the two used to come here as children of course. Philip smiled brightly as long did Theodosia. Theo then had smirked before she quickly pushed Philip in which made him tense up. "You little - " he joked. Alexander rolled his eyes playfully before he had looked over at Eliza. "Hm... ? " Eliza had hummed which made Alexander smile. "I love you... " he mumbled,, kissing her forehead before he had put his hands on his hips. Alexander Jr ran to the lake,, taking his shirt off and jumping in after Philip even though he had been push in by Theo. Angie had rolled her eyes playfully. "My lord - " she joked before standing beside Theo which had been pulled into the lake by Philip. She quicklly came up from under water and panted slightly. "You're a dork - " she joked. "And you're short - " Philip hummed. Theodosia had rolled her eyes playfully before sitting down on the shore. Eliza Jr of course wasn't going to get in the water since she was of course still little and all so she was just going to stay with everyone who wasn't going to get in the water which was Alexander,, Eliza and William. Soon enough it was getting dark and everyone had started to leave except for Theodosia and Philip,, they had said they were going to stay there a for a few more hours or so.

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