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Leah's POV

I woke up on a comfortable bed. Man was this bed comfortable. Anyway, the reason I woke was because I heard an engine revving. So, of course, being the car person I am, I ran to my window to see what car it was. When I got to my window I opened the white silk curtains and saw a Ferrari 812 GTS and my jaw dropped.

I ran to my closet very quickly got changed into an oversized sweatshirt and some sweats put my hair into a messy bun and went sprinting out of my room. While I was running down the stairs I bumped into Ryan. " Sorry," I yelled as I ran to the front door to go see the car.

"Where are you going," Ryan yell.

"There's a sexy...", is all I said before I slammed the door and ran up to the car and just stared at it in awe.

Ryan's Pov

"There's a sexy" is all I heard before the door slammed. Is she talking about a boy she better not be talking about a boy I sent my brothers a text.

 Everyone to the driveway now.-Ryan


Because Leah just ran outside saying something about there being something sexy and I think she's talking about a guy-Ryan 

Within seconds I heard a stampede of footsteps heading own stairs. Once everyone was downstairs we saw our cousin Tony standing there at the door about to knock. "Dude, who is that girl staring in awe at my car," Tony asked us we looked and saw Leah staring in awe at the car. Lucas chuckled. We all looked at him confused.

"I forgot to mention yesterday when I went to pick up Leah from the airport yesterday she was in awe when she saw the Buggati Divo. What surprised me the most was she knew all the specs on the car. We have a little car nerd on our hands, my dear brothers." Lucas said.

" I wonder if she knows how to fix cars the Ferrari was having some trouble starting up this morning on my way here so maybe she can help me," Tony said. 

I guess I should probably introduce Tony he's our cousin he and his brothers are in the mafia as well. They live with us they are more like brothers to us since both of our parents died on the same mission. I forgot that they were coming back from a mission today. So all the cousins that we have that live here are of course Tony he is 21, Liam he's 23, Leo he's 18, Richard and his twin James there both 17, and last but not least he's the same age as Leah so 16.

"W-wait that's Leah why is she here did something happen," Tony said.

"Her step-father died and so I took custody of her since there is no other living family to take care of her. She'll be going to the same school as the twins and Alex." Ryder explained his tone sounding more infuriated and the mention of her step-father. "Go introduce yourself just be careful she is a little jumpy and fragile. I will explain later". Ryder nodded and went over to Leah.

Leah's Pov

I was staring in awe for like 30 min when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a very intimidating man. "S-sorry s-sir is t-this your c-car I d-didn't mean to s-stare at i-it for this l-long," I mumbled. "I-I've just never s-seen an 812 GTS before."

" Please don't call me sir, it makes me feel old. Anyway, I came over to introduce my self to you. My name is Tony I'm your cousin me and my brothers live here as well nice to finally meet you mi luce del sole", Tony introduced himself to me.

"My n-names L-leah n-nice to m-meet you" I responded. 

Later that day 

"Where is she I need to meet my baby cousin." I heard someone yelling. Knowing that I'm the only female int he house right I could only assume that this person was talking about me. I cautiously got out of my room and very quietly headed downstairs. I walked into the living room and saw 11 people 5 of which were my brothers. 

With all the yelling that was going on none of my brothers noticed me except Ryder. He motioned me over to him. I slowly walked over to him not being notice got onto his lap but not facing anyone I was facing his chest. I was like that for a good 30 minutes falling to light sleep.

Everything suddenly got quiet which made me wake up a little bit I turned my head to see everyone in the room looking at me. I yawned and started rubbing my eyes turned back to Ryder's chest and cuddled back into it. A chorus of Awes and so cites sounded around the room.

" Bambina, could you turn around and introduce yourself to your cousins," I heard Ryder say I totally disregarded the verbal answer rule because I was way too tired to speak I just shook my head against his chest and cuddled closer and let the darkness overtake me.


hey guys new update and new characters woo hoo. I hope you enjoyed.

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