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Leah's pov

Three weeks. It's been three weeks since I have talked to any of them. I have been on a downhill spiral ever since my depression has gotten worse I haven't been eating and I'm getting bullied at school.

Today started as a regular day my alarm went off at 6:30 for me to get ready for school. After I got ready for school went downstairs and grabbed a granola bar for breakfast then headed for school. You know I how I said I haven't been eating well my diet consists of a granola bar and that's it.

I finally got to school and surprise, surprise Natalie and her minions were waiting for me ready to make my life worse me than it already is. "Hey little bitch" ( I wrote that and I immediately got Laito Sakamaki vibes) I started walking away from her not wanting to put up with her bullshit today. Someone grabbed my hair and pulled me back. "Answer me when I'm talking to you. You are such a piece of shit." She had her followers hold me down while she got on top of me throwing punch after punch. A crowd stared for four people particularly stood out Richard, James, Alex, and Ace just stood there and stared at me showing no signs of remorse. They just turned around and walked away. Black dotts started to cover my vision and I fell unconscious. 

Pain is all I felt as I woke up. I slowly got up pulling out my phone in the process. i checked the time it read 7:30 I gasped at the time and decided to start on my trek back home. It took me an hour to get back. As soon as I walked in I was bombarded with questions. I ignored them and walked up to my room to get myself cleaned up. I looked in my mirror my face was lithered with black and blue bruises. My lip and right eye was swollen.

I heard a knock on my door I decided I would go open it. I opened it a crack to see who it was. Xander, Tony, Liam, and Ryder were standing there with a first aid kit I reluctantly opened the door and stepped aside to let them in. Tony sat me down on the bed while Xander started the treat meant to my face.

Liam finally broke the silence. "How did this happen?" He interrogated.

"Why don't you ask the twins, Alex, and Ace they saw the whole thing." I told them I said Ace cause he basically lived here. They all looked at each other as if they were haveing a conversation without saying anything. Soon enough Tony looked at his phone and typed something not even thirty seconds later all four boys were in this room.

"Mi dispiace dirmi cosa è successo a Leah a scuola oggi."Ryder spoke with an undertone of complete anger. (Do you mind telling me what happened to Leah at school today) They all looked at the ground not answering. "Dovreste proteggerla, ma non vi importava di spiegare il perché". (You guys were supposed to protect her but you didn't care to explain why.)

"I guess we were mad at her for ignoring us for so long.". Alex said 


"We know and we sre sorry for that plaese forgive us." Ace sspoke after a minuete of silence.

"Its ok i forgive you guys" I whispred they all looked happy and ran to hug me.

"Bambina why do feel like all skin and bones. Have you not been eating" They questioned i slowly shrunk back. " You need to eat come we are about to have dinner."


hey guys sorry fo the short chapter. I want to write another book but i dont know what about can you please leave suggestions. The suggestion with the most replieswill be the next book i write thanks .😊

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