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"X-Xander" I was surprised to see him cause he was always so cold to me. 

"Leah omg your ok " I turned I and I recognized his I turned around and saw distressed Alex. I ran to him and hugged him because I didn't want to see Xander beat up the man who tried to rape me. I cried and I started to see black dots I went limp in his arms. Before I let the darkness totally consume me I heard someone yell my name.

Xanders pov

Its been 7 hours since Alex scared Little Leah so bad that she ran out of the house. We have been looking for her for 7 hours. The 11 of use split into groups to look for her. Alex and I were on the bad side of town looking for her. When hear some girl scream for help. We look at each other and I can tell he's thinking the same thing, We sprint to the voice and see an old bastard trying to rape a girl. He moves and I see none other than Leah.

I push him off of her and all I see is red.

Alexs pov

Leah faints in my arms I pick her up bridal style and call everyone else. 


Alex: Guys we found her.

Tony: where did you find her.

Alex: she is on Honer street in the alleyway. better get here soon Leah fainted and Xander is beating the living hell out of a guy who tried to rape her.

Ryder: We will be there soon we are down the street.

I hung up and just held her. I know we didn't meet before but I still need to protect her. I'm older than her by 3 months. I always heard stories from when she was born. Every one of us has been looking for her none stop and now that we finally have our lost princess non la lasceremo mai andare.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see who it was.  Tony standing there staring at me. 

"Go take her to the car it's parked at the end of the street. Be careful we are in someone else's territory." Tony said the last part more quietly just in case anyone else was lurking around. 

Being in the mafia we have many enemies like other mafias but we also have some gangs who think that they can dethrone us.

  I carried  Leah to the car and sett her sown gently in the back of the SUV. She ended up laying down with her head on my lap. The others got into the car a couple of minutes later looked at me and then looked at Leah peacefully sleeping and smiled.

Leahs pov

I woke up and my head was on someone's lap I looked up and saw Alex looking down at me.

"Your up. You fainted in the alleyway for about 30 minutes. How are you feeling?"Alex questioned me. I didn't feel like talking so looked at him smiled and gave him two thumbs up. He chuckled which caused everyone to turn around in their seats. Thet looked confused and then saw I was awake.

"Why are you laughing?" Jackson questioned.

He told them the reason and they all chuckled as well. But then every one went serious. 

"Leah I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to yell", Alex apologized.

"It's okay I'm sorry for running. It's just a natural instant I have".I said quietly then I looked up and everyone was in shock. I just looked confused.

"You didn't utter I'm so round of you Bambina" Leo exclaimed happily.

We finally arrived at the house and I was asked to go with Liam and Ryder to their office. 

"We need to talk about your school you will start school on Monday", Liam said I groaned in response. "We have managed you to have all the same classes as Alex except one class that class is art. We have a few rules for you."

" 1. No grades lower than a B- which shouldn't be hard for you since at your last school your GPA was 4.0," Ryder started."2. We honestly don't care if you hang out with guys but no boyfriends. 3. If someone hurts you or starts bullying you you have to tell us." He said in all seriousness. "Thats really it you may go to bed now." 

"okay" is what I responded with and left. I walked to my room got dressed in My Pjs and let the darkness over take me.


I hope you like this chapter

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