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Leah's pov

Click..... "Shhhhhhhhh your going to wake them up", a voice whispered. I ignored it and cuddled closer to my pillow. 

"Will you guys shut up" My pillow groaned. Wait....... My pillow can talk.

"Considering your pillow is your boyfriend I would say yes I can talk". I felt the pillow chuckle. I was suddenly awake. Rubbing my eyes.  

"I had a weird dream that my pillow could talk and it said it was my boyfriend." I looked up and everyone looked amused. It suddenly hit me it wasn't a dream. "Nevermind, I said embarrassed I hid my face I the crook of Ace's neck while he and everyone else laughed.

I was forced to stay in this stupid hospital bed all day they said I could go back to my own room on Wednesday it is Monday so another day of this shit the I get to go to bed in my room. And I don't have to go to school for another week.

half a day later

Jackson waltzed into the room where I reside in the hospital wing of the house. 

"Hey sis your birthday is coming up what you want". my eyes widened at the thought of my birthday nothing good ever happened on my birthday. It was the day that mom died and every year I would get the worst beatings because "it was the day that a mistake was born".

"I don't really want anything for my birthday I don't really want to celebrate it." I said while looking down tears started to fill my eyes.

"Hey hey " Jackson softly spoke while wiping my tears. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

"It's the day that mom died," I spoke quietly. He just looked at me.

"On her way home from work she was in a rush to get a cake from this one cat-themed bakery. While she was walking outside to her car with my cake that I specially requested a car drove by and shot and killed her. It was my fault she died if I didn't request that stupid cake she would still be alive and all the shit I went through probably wouldn't have happened." I spoke crying  I took a breath wiping the tears away and continued. "After that day everything changed h-he changed"

I looked up to see his eyes trained on my figure. Silently asking me to continue. "He started hitting me o my birthday he would worsen the beatings. Thats why I don't want to celebrate my birthday so many bad memories."

He came over and hugged me letting me cry onto his shoulder. He pets my head slowly while I let out all my emotions. Whe i finally finished he looked at me. "Thats why we need to celebrate your birthday so we can replace all your horrible memories with good ones."

I finally agreed to letting them celebrate my birthday.

Saturday (Her birthday)

I got up and felt like I was missing something til I remembered it was my birthday. Sighing i slowly got up walking to the bathroom. I was now in my bed room and I do have to say I am doing better well as good as anybody could be after getting shot lol any ways its ( Its the dry sense of humor for me... Haha sorry) I did my thing in the shower and got ready for the day wearing this:

 Haha sorry) I did my thing in the shower and got ready for the day wearing this:

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I walked out of the bathroom to see a note on my bed Your first clue can be found where  you spend most of your time. They made a whole ass scavenger hint for me. I know exactly here to look however I went to the library. I headed to my special spot. 

There lay another note. Books are great but butters better. I head to the kitchen to the butter container. Pew pew I missed you but you never miss in this place.  This one is low-key confusing. Maybe the game room but I always miss there. I figure out where it was after trying to figure it out for like a hour. 

The range where most shoot but I  throw knives there and I never miss. the last note was on the throwing knives. Go to where your first kiss was.  I head to the gazebo. I walk out and see every one standing there facing away from me and so walk up and tap on there shoulders ad they all turn around and pull me into a group saying happy birth day. 

The rest of the night was amazing I haven't felt this loved in a long time.


hey guys thanks for reading I'm sorry for not updating in a long time I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for the mistakes and grammar issues

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