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Leah's POV

Darkness is all I saw Its all I could hear were people faintly saying my name with panic evident in their voices. The pain I was feeling was unbearable. I tried to open my eyes a little bit and it worked but it took all the strength in me. I saw Ace looking down at me he had tears in his eyes. How could this happen why couldn't I just have a normal life everything was perfect.

Flashback 30 min earlier

I looked across the yard there he was standing in the gazebo. He  was wearing a white suite with a black tie. As I walked down the rose petal covered walk way each of my brothers and cousins handed me each a rose of different colors. When I finally got to the male in the gazebo he turned around to reveal himself.

"A-ace what is all of this for" I questioned.

"Leah you look so beautiful like always. Have been wanting to ask you this for a while but never had the guts."He took a deep breath before he continued. "Will you Leah Mia Smith be my girl friend."

I was in udder shock. "Yes" I said he hugged me picking me up spinning me around and kissed me. It was a moment of pure bliss. But sadly the moment got shot literally gun shots sounded and every on got down. I wasn't so lucky as I was shot in the chest.

End of Flashback

I was now totally out of consciousness. I saw a lady standing there in what lookedlike a field filled with green grass and wild daisies. She turned around looked at me and said "I'm sorry dear but its to soon" I was plunged into darkness. Only hearing few voices an a beeping sound I tried to open my eyes but It drainedd to much energy. I had to open my eyes though. I tried again and was successful. Brightness of the room caused me to blink multipul times to adjust.

I lookedaround I was hooked up to machines and in a hospital gown but this didn't look likeyour average hospital room no i knoew this room it was the medical wing of the house. I tried to sit upas someone came intothe room. "L-leah omg your awake" it was Tony he sounded so happy and relived.

"W-wher is Ace". I questioned almost immediately. 

"We made him go sleep and take a shower he hasn't done that since you got shot."

"How long was I out for"

"Two weeks"

"Holy shit I was out for two weeks"

"Watch your mouth young lady you might be injured but I will still take away your phone" A new voice emerged from the door way. Ryder was there with a smile on his face. He came over and gave me the biggest hug I have ever gotten. "But since you just woke up from a coma i will forgive you this once." I he spoke gently. "I've missed you and I love you so much I'm so sorry this has happened"

"It's okay"I said.

They both left to get me food. But someone new walked in I could hear the padding of the feet on the tile floor stop so I looked up. He looked horrible the bags under his eyes told me he hadn't gotten proper sleep in a while. "Ace you look horrible you need sleep" I said knowing he hadn't slept.

He rushed over and hugged me. No words were said between either of us as we lay there cuddling both of us falling asleep in each others arms.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been swamped at school I hope you enjoyed.

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