Happy Birthday

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Takes place in S3, an AU where Terry didn't catch Ian and Mickey.

Ian was an hour early to work when he swung open the door to the Kash and Grab. Usually he hated getting their before he had to, especially because it had been tense between him and Linda ever since Kash ran off.

But now he had a perfectly good reason to.

Mickey had the morning shift today, so was operating the store by himself when Ian entered. There was a teenage couple in the nearest aisle that Ian recognized from school, so he said nothing to the man behind the counter, only giving him a quick wink and walking towards the fridges that lined the back wall.

Ian could see the hint of a smirk begin to grow on Mickey's face and felt somewhat accomplished. Though he was far from out and proud, Mickey had certainly come a long ways from when they started their "fling", if that's what you'd call their nearly 2 year relationship.

Of course, it had been interrupted by juvie and drug runs, but they were still going steady.

Ian felt like they were making progress towards an actual relationship. He was okay for now with it being on the down low, especially since he was still underage and could get in serious trouble with the law seeing as Mickey was a few years older than him and an adult. But he could tell that Mickey was getting to the point where he could be more open with him.

Their relationship had started with quick fucks either in Mickey's locked room when Ian was hanging out with his younger sister Mandy, or it was in the back storage room of the store.

They barely exchanged words the first few times, Mickey finally building up the courage to actually talk to him once they went to the baseball field and shared beers. Now they had conversations. And despite them being about random stuff that had no real meaning, it meant a lot to Ian that Mickey was starting to trust him.

And seeing Mickey smile, even the tiniest bit, when other people were around to see him, was a victory in Ian's book.

He waited until the couple had left and it was just him and Mickey to walk up to the counter with an armful of groceries.

"Throwing a party or something?" Mickey asked, meeting Ian's eyes for a second before returning to scan items.

"Nah, that was yesterday," Ian chucked, giving no further explanation. "It's my turn for groceries."

"You don't have to work for another hour man. Why not just wait until you actually have to be here?"

Ian shrugged. "I know, there's another reason."

Mickey raised an eyebrow, imploring Ian to continue.

Instead of speaking, Ian pulled a tight gallon-sized ziplock bag out of his jacket. It contained an earthy green mush that Mickey instantly recognized as weed.

"Damn," he chucked. "How'd you get that? I thought the Gallagher's were broke."

Ian laughed, and Mickey would deny it to the ends of the earth that it made his stomach do a somersault. "Nah man, Lip gave it to me. Yesterday was my birthday."

"Happy birthday."

"Thanks," Ian smiled softly, looking directly into Mickey's pale blue eyes that he seemed to be able to get lost in at a moments notice.

Mickey cleared his throat, drawing Ian back to the reason he had come.

"Right. I was wondering if you wanted to share it later."

Mickey blinked up at him. "You offering me free weed, Gallagher."

Ian shook his head slowly. When he spoke again his voice was much deeper, huskier, and — dare Mickey say it — sexier. He learned forward so only he would be able to pick up what he said. "Oh believe me, it won't be free."

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