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Debbie had a problem. She immediately called the advice-giver of the Gallagher family: Lip.

"Sup?" Lip asked tiredly once he answered the phone. He must've taken a nap after working on the house. He and Tami were gutting it and remodeling the entire thing, and it was becoming a money pit quickly.

"Hey, I need some advice," Debbie started, picking at her nails anxiously.

"About?" Lip didn't even try to act interested. He'd always been the voice of logic among the siblings and wasn't worried he'd steer his younger sister down the wrong path. It had become something he could do with ease.

"Sandy. We kinda got into a fight."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Debbie shrugged despite Lip not being able to see. "I dunno, it was stupid. I got angry at her because... well... because I wanted her to compliment me."

"Wait... what?"

"When we first met she complimented me all the time! And now that we're official it's almost as if she doesn't feel she needs to try as hard, I guess. I attempted to tell her that a compliment or even a nice gesture doesn't have to mean she's desperate."

"You do know you're the one who sounds desperate right now, right?"

Debbie groaned. "I know! I'm just... agh."

"How do you usually work things out with Sandy?"

She chuckled. "We don't. That's another problem. I have no idea how to confront her about shit. There should be a handbook, ya know?"

"A handbook for what?"

"How to be in a healthy relationship with a fucking Milkovich. I swear, they're like a different breed."

Lip thought for a moment, and came out with a brilliant idea. "Well, I'm not sure about any handbook, but I do know someone who knows a lot about Milkovich relationships."

"Who?" She asked rather excitedly.

"Ian, dumbass."

Debbie stayed silent and Lip could almost picture her facepalming from down the street.

"Look, I was in a relationship with Mandy for a couple of years, and that went down the shitter. If anyone knows how to actually make a relationship work it's him."

"You're right," Debbie sighed. "As always."

"As always," Lip repeated, smirking to himself. Another successful advice session, even if it was just handing her off to someone who could give her something worthwhile. People could call him prideful all they want, but it wouldn't change the fact that he was damn good at giving advice.

"I think he gets off work an hour ago, so he should be home soon, right?"

"Yep," Lip assured her. "I've gotta get back to work, Debs. Tell me how it goes, 'Kay?"

"Will do. Thanks Lip!"

"No problem. See ya."


Ian arrived at the Gallagher home shortly after. He and Mickey had bought the house next door after Tony's last renter moved out. Because of their connection and the fact that the police officer was getting tired of being a landlord, he gave the house to the boys for a considerably lower cost than he could've gotten if he'd put it on the market.

But, they often spent their days in the familiar rooms of the blue house with their family. Which is why it was no surprise Ian showed up right after work, not even changed out of his "EMT" uniform. Larry Seaver, who Ian got as his parole officer after Paula died, had pulled a few strings and gotten him a year-long paid internship at one of the ambulance stations close to the Southside. Apparently due to the decreasing amount of EMTs, they were accepting nonviolent offenders to help carry the load.

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