Walks and Tension

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Ares' POV

     Exiting the building, I relish in the soft wind that blows on my face. Though, I'm still pissed about my night and game being ruined, I can't say I'm complaining about the warm body wrapped around me. My steps are unhurried as I carry him through the streets, making sure to keep a ear out for those around us.

     I think about starting a conversation but dammit if I know what to say. I might say the wrong thing that clears up this little Slip of his and it'll only give him a good reason to get rid of me. He takes the lead in starting the conversation, though I'm practically sweating bullets at the idea, not that he'll ever know.

     "You know I can walk, right?" The tone of his voice is clear annoyance and I know I should let him down, but I need to make sure he can't get away. That he won't run, especially after he reacted to me earlier. It's only a matter of time before he leaves, I feel it. The tone of my voice comes out harshly as I answer but I know I'm just scared, absolutely terrified that I'll be left behind like my dad. That I'll be left behind again like so many years ago.

     "And you realize I can carry you right?" I shoot back immediately regretting it but unable to take it back.

     "Set me down." Thomas demands, and though he didn't struggle, the sternest in his voice and the stiffening of his body has me setting him down on his feet softly, instantly missing his warmth. I keep my expression schooled and cold, not needing him to have more ammo against me when he finally leaves.

     "Fine, go head and walk away." I grind out, irritated at him for finding me and more so at myself for my insecurities.

     "Fine. I'll be going to my apartment, have a good night. Enjoy your game." And with that he turns on his heel and begins walking away. And of course instead of going to apologize, I just let him walk away, following at a distance even though with every step the pain of not having him in my arms has me cursing my fucking pride.

     At one point I see him about to turn around and reach out his hand but he quickly corrects himself. After a few more moments I finally give in, using my speed to catch up with him in a couple steps. I go to grab his hand but he quickly snatches it away to glare at me. Not being one for apologies and sweet nothings, I grab his waist and slam his body into me.

     "Don't pull away from me, Thomas. Next time I won't be so gentle." And though it comes out as a threat, he still can't help but let his body melt into mine.

   "Once this is all over, I'll kill you." He mutters, pinching me in my side, though he snuggles deeper into my chest.

     "It's a date then." I answer back with a roll of my eyes. I let him slip from my grasp and latch onto the back of his belt loop instead, needing to keep physically contact with his persons. He must not mind too much because this time he doesn't pull away.

     I try to keep the walk silent but I can't help the way a certain question is eating at me. I tug lightly on his belt loop to get his attention, liking the slight control it gives me. He slows down his pace to peak over his shoulder.

     "I have a question." I state slowly only trying to prolong receiving the answer I'm afraid of.

     "Okay? Then ask it." Though, usually I absolutely hate attitude, the sassiness in his voice only has my cock twitching in my pants to shove down his throat to get him to shut up and listen. I smirk at the freckled Vamp in front of me before schooling my features once again. A habit I don't intend on breaking anytime soon.

     "What's wrong with me?" I ask gruffly, and in my hesitance to ask the question, I worded it all wrong. I mentally slap myself against the back of the head but only purse my lips in annoyance at myself in reality.

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