Anxiety and Panic

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Ares' POV

      I wake up slowly as the sun beams into my eyes softly. I stretch my hand across the bed in search for Thomas' warmth and pout when I find his side of the bed cold and empty. I want my kitten in my arms but since I'm too lazy to get up I just roll over into my stomach and snuggle his pillow, inhaling his fresh scent.

I allow my body it's rest and stretch for about ten more minutes before I finally decide to shower before I go in search of my little spitfire. I raise myself off the bed with a groan, before I take off my shorts and throw them in a hamper, turning to head into the bathroom.

I take care of business, turning in the shower while I do, letting the steam fill up the bathroom before I flush the toilet and hop in. The hot water feels amazing on my body, especially with the number Thomas did on me two nights before.

   With all the epsom salt and baths in the world, my ass, lower back and body are still so sore from the way he handled me so roughly in bed and the constant reminder is more sexy than I'll admit. My cock begins to rise as I replay the images in my head from that night and I debate on ignoring the boner but finally give in when my arm grazes the tip and pleasure shoots down my cock.

     Placing my washcloth aside, I let my hands get the soap rinsed off of them but he shower before I lose it to my already arching dick. I slowly begin to stroke my shaft with slower steady movements as I think back to all the memories that Thomas and I made in that bed at the beach house. 

      My hand speeds up when I think about the way he begged for me to fuck him, asking me to repeat my love for him while I stroked his ass into orgasm. My mind trails to when he teased me all day with little touches and ass rubs, rilling me up until I was ready to burst, and then taking control of me in a away I didn't expect.

     I begin thrusting into my hand as all these images and thoughts flash through my mind on replay making me moan and groan as I remember him squeezing around my cock as he came and screamed my name. The way he bred me within an inch of my life and fucked me to sleep.

     My hand slams against the wall as my hand and hips speed up and my moans turn into a long loud groan that I release the same time that I shoot my load into the water, the spray hitting my chest as my eyes roll when I cum. I take a second to catch my breath from the powerful orgasm before I shake my head to clear it and finish washing myself off.

Once I'm clean and sated, I turn off the water and step out, quickly getting dressed before I put my towel on the rack and make my way back into the room. I grab some socks, hating having cold feet and finally make my way out of the room to go find my kitten.

    The apartment sounds way too quiet as I open the door and walk down the hallway, making me a bit nervous but I push the thought aside. I enter the kitchen and turn around in confusion when I don't see him in here. Trying to calm my rising heart rate I continue to check all around the apartment, looking everywhere twice and there's so Thomas.

      I can't breathe as I look around for my phone, hoping he just went to the store and didn't want to wake me. I click on his name and put the phone to my ear but the phone goes to voicemail. I frown and try again, panicked tears coming to my eyes as all the fears I've squashed down come rearing their ugly heads.

     "Fuck, kitten, please." I beg, trying to stave off the anxiety attack thats clawing down my throat in fear of what this might mean. I try his cell five more times but there's still no answer and I can't breath as I fall to the ground and place my head in my hands.

      "Oh, Goddess, he's gone." I sob out, tears splashing on the floor and my legs as I falls apart. There's no note anywhere, I checked and double checked, there's no calls, no texts and my calls are going straight to voicemail.

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