Secrets and Love

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Ares' POV

"What did you say?" I ask Thomas, my heart thudding in my chest wildly. I was sure I knew what he was going to say, the way his eyes got all glossy when he looked at me. I thought we were on the same mental track but never did I ever expect the words that came out of his mouth.

"No. No." He says shaking his head while he stares at me with a dazed look. I'm sweating bullets at the admission I made but there's no going back now. "Fuck what I said, what did you say?" He asks me and I think about denying it, but I'm not scared of dying, why should I be scared of devoting my love to my lover. I'm not. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

"I said, I love you." I tell him quietly, the words falling into my lap instead of his ear, but with his hearing, of course he's able to catch the words before they land. His hand comes into view and he lifts my head so that I'm looking at him and to my surprise there's tears on his eyes.

"Say it again." He whispers, his voice thick as he searches my face and my eyes and I smile softly when I realize that he's trying to make sure I mean it. He's trying to make sure I love him without a shadow of a doubt before he gets his hopes up. I grab his hand in mine and bring it to my lips for a soft kiss.

      "Thomas you are the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life. You taught me that there is such thing as love and even though it's not easy, it's still something we should fight for. You're smart and kind and soft and sarcastic and the funniest asshole I ever met and I wouldn't change anything about you for the world. I've known I was in love with you for weeks now. I whisper it while you're sleeping, while you're cooking, just sitting there in the sun. I love you, kitten, and I hope I get to spend forever with you."

     Thomas is crying as I declare my love to him and his eyes are getting that look that I've seen so many times before he's throwing himself in my arms sending me toppling over until I'm flat on my back with Thomas crying above me. "I love you, too." He sobs into my chest and my whole world finally clicks together as the words leave his lips.

    This perfect man, with his shy freckles and bratty attitude and perfect cuddles loves me back. He's mine.

       "Please say it again." He whispers to me and I flip us over softly so that he's laying below me, his eyes staring up at me in awe and love as I hover over him. One of my hands come up to dry his face with my fingers before I'm leaning down to kiss him softly on the lips in a peck.

     "I love you." I tell him afterwards. Diving back down to kiss his cheek. "I love you." My nose dips down into his neck to caress his special spot slowly and he shivers against the bed. "I love you." I tell him once more and his arms come up to wrap around my body and pull me down to lay on his soft body.

      "I love you." He whispers against my lips and I can't help the smile that shapes my face at the words. Looking back, I can't believe how scared I was to tell my beautiful kitten how much I love him. How much I worship the ground he walks on. I slowly let my lips begin to dance with his, the choreography soft and slow as we get to know a side of each other that was closed off before. My hands begin to roam and land on his soft hips as my cock begins to fill beneath my pants, straining against the fabric to get to Thomas.

      His hands start to travel as well, one coming up to grip my hair and the other coming around to trace my stomach in between us making my abs flex at the feeling. Sparks are traveling up and down my spine at the way he's caressing me and hypnotizing me with his body. I feel his hand lower to grab my dick and I groan, thrusting myself into his hand before I halt my movements.

     I lift my head so I can stare him in his eyes, my gaze searching as I question him. "Did you mean it? Do you want this?" I ask him, trying not to get my hopes up just for him to change his mind. It's about more than just getting the opportunity to fuck, it's letting me know that he trusts me enough to tie his life with mine and to take control of his body in a way that he's never let anyone do before. And as soft and sappy as it sounds, this moment, this day means more to me than almost any that have come before.

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