Dramatics and Manners

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Zack's outfit.

Thomas' POV

      I groan as I sit in my closet, surrounded by clothes I've thrown out of my drawers and torn from my hangers in frustration. I have never in my six hundred years understood what someone meant when they said they had nothing to wear with a closet full of clothes. On this day, I want to apologize to every single one of those people, because with all these clothes around me, I still haven't been able to find one stupid outfit for our date today.

     Not one.

      I groan once more, throwing my body back to land  in the pile behind me and look up at the ceiling in defeat. I hear a knock on the partially closed door, and turn my head towards it. "Come in." I tell Zack, the enthusiasm so clear in my voice. Not.

      Ares widens the door and slips through pausing only for a second at the scene that greets him. His eyebrows shoot up as he makes his way over to the random bench I have in here and sits down.

       "I came in here to ask if you wanted to go to the dolphin show." He tells me amusement clear in his voice and the sound of it makes me glare at him, which sadly only makes him chuckle.

      "What kind of question is that?!" I ask him, sitting up pathetically so I can shift through the clothes hoping to have an 'aha!' moment. "Of course I want to go. If I can ever find a fucking outfit." I grumble the last sentence under my breath and of course he hears it.

      "Thomas, just wear what you want, I don't care what you wear as long as I'm with you." He tells me and as much as the words make me want to melt and smile, I don't. Because I care how I look for our first date, not that I would ever tell him this, but I want it to be perfect. I want him to look at me and say 'holy shit I'm so lucky' and he won't do that with me in sweats and flip flops.

      I remember the way that man used to handle my mom whenever he came home and wasn't dressed up for him. I'm not doing this by force but by choice, I want Zack to be proud of being me.

      "Babe, if you're not going to help, get the fuck out." I tell him sweetly, giving him a pretty smile with the words. He only shakes his head and chuckles before standing up stopping beside my body to lean down. His hands comes down to grab my throat and give me a quick kiss in the lips that I completely melt with.

      "Watch that attitude, spitfire, or we won't make it to the Aquarium." He warns giving my neck and squeeze and I have half a mind to say fuck it and follow him out the door that he so kindly shuts behind him.

     As I mentally cuss out Zack for being so fucking perfect all the time, when suddenly an outfit that I've been wanting to wear but never having the place or opportunity. Hoping up from my depressing position in the flood, I walk over to the corner where a two drawer set is tucked nicely. I couch down and pull on the bottom revealing a couple of shirts, making me smile as I find what I'm looking for.

(A.N. I searched for twenty minutes to search for a style for Thomas but I couldn't come up with anything. If you can, leave a comment. Remember he's pale with white hair!)

     Once I'm dressed, I shove all my clothes in the corner for myself to get mad about later before I'm finally on my way out the closet and making my way from my empty room into the living room. I'm checking to make sure I have everything I need as I walk into the room, not paying attention as Zack takes notice.

     "Fuck, kitten. You are worth the wait as always." He praises me and I feel my cheeks flare up in a blush at the compliment. I go to look up at him and say thank you and stop dead in my track at the Adonis in front of me. I've met some of the perfect bastard's kids before and he blows every single one of them out of the water.

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