Trapped in A Reality

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Chapter 11- Smokahontas by Attack! Attack!

After the odd night we had last night, Austin and I had decided to stay in, relax and cuddle all night and he'd take me to that mysterious place tomorrow. I woke up this morning due to the light shining angrily through the crack in the curtain. I wiggle out of Austin's grip and close the fabric tighter so it doesn't wake up Austin. I turn around to see him holding a blanket tighter to his body and letting out a small smile. I felt my heart melt knowing... hoping... he thought it was me. Regardless I wasn't going to wake him up spite my comfort and lust for him so I decided that making him breakfast would be a healthy alternative. Well more like lunch seeing its eleven now. I quietly open, then shut the door behind myself careful not to wake him. Somehow I make it downstairs without creaking the steps too much and rush over to the kitchen where an opened window was already letting in cool air. I rummaged through the stacks of food in the freezer trying to decide on what is an appropriate meal. For some unknown reason I thought 'hey! French fries and French toast! Making that totally exceeds excellent boyfriend material'. I popped a shitton of frozen French toast onto a plate and stuck it in the microwave for a random set of numbers then the a whole bag of fries onto a metal pan before throwing it in the oven. Thank god I have parents or I'd be dead in a few days trying to survive off of air and water.

"Whatcha up to?" A sexy voice ran into my ears and through my veins. I turn to see a very sexy man to meet that sexy voice. He had ruffled morning hair similar to his raspy morning voice. His care torso showed these muscles in his body aching to expand and break out of his tanned skin then underneath his green and blue plaid pyjamas clung helplessly just under his bulging hip bones. I found myself no match for him and it was a struggle not to cuddle and kiss him to death.

"Breakfast?" I looked at the oven.

"Shit Alan, it's burning" he says rushing to the microwave which had light grey smoke finding its way into the air.

I frown realizing that I'm really not meant to be in the kitchen. He takes the plate out and drops it on these counter due to the heat seeping into his fingers and roasting them mercilessly.

"I'm sorry" I whimper looking at him with sorrow eyes "I just wanted to do something nice for you"

His eyes turn to pity and comes over and kisses my forehead, still holding his burning fingers. I carefully hold his wrist and kiss his red fingertips. "I'm sorry" I repeat.

"Its okay" he says breathlessly.

"Let me go get the fries our of the oven then we'll go get you patched up" I look into his eyes for permission.

"French toast and French fries?" He asks curiously, I just shrug realising how truly horrid my idea of affection is. "It's cute" he laughed "I would have loved it"

A tinge of joy rippled through me and I walked over to they oven. I grabbed an oven mitt off the counter and opened up the black door letting these heat run out. I gripped the metal tray with the protective fabric and pulled it out and thew it onto the cooker. After throwing the mitt onto the counter top, I led Austin upstairs to the bathroom. He pushed himself up so he was sitting on the counter, making him seem larger. I opened the closet and searched through the transparent bin over flowing with medical supplies just to find the burn relief. The longer it took the more stress I felt because I knew Austin must be in pain. I go to reach for a different bin but my hand gets caught spilling all the contents of the first bin onto the ground. I felt my legs crumble beneath me and my shoulders slump in defeat as I sat on the ground cross legged. Good god, I can't get anything right today. Austin is going to leave me because I can't even do simple tasks.

"Sweetie" he says wrapping his arms around my upper body. "It's okay. Just calm down"

"I'm a failure." I quiver

He chuckled against my skin attempting to lighten the mood "no you're not. You are perfect"

The words rolled off his tongue so smoothly and diffused into my skin relaxing all the negativity.

"Let's clean this up then we can go relax okay?" He suggests

"But your finger..."

"Some burned skin won't kill me"

I nodded and began to clean up the mess. "Found it" I groaned revealing the bottle with blue gel.

"thank god. Any longer and I would've died" he jokes. I punch his arm playfully before turning back to throwing stuff in the tub and setting it on the shelf. We went back downstairs and Austin went for the kitchen to make real food whereas I sat down on the couch with a book and blanket.

"Its eighty degrees. You know you don't need a blanket" he laughs and I make a noise in agreement but I'm so engrossed in this book. It's about a group of friends that are locked in the basement with no food, just water. It is super creepy and I with I never picked it up but I have it now so I need to finish it.

"Mac n cheese a là mode" Austin smirks handing me a bowl then sliding next to me turning in the TV. I lay my head in his lap slowly eating my creamy goodness whereas he practically devoured his. Once I finish I put both our bowls on the coffee table then pick my book back up, allowing us to just be one with the comfortable silence until it became dark.

"I can't believe they're all dead." I mumble to myself shutting the book angrily.

"It's cute watching you read" he comments smoothing my hair "you're so into each sentence you read."

I smile and glance up at him. Before I say anything he cuts me off with a long passionate kiss.

"If you weren't such a nerd I coulda done that sooner" he smirks

"If you weren't such a jock you'd see why I couldn't stop to kiss you"

"I read that book and it sucks"

"You liar!" I pause for a moment "you don't read"

We burst out in a fit of stereotypical laughter. "So you do admit it's a bad book" he proves

"Dear god it was horrible"

"Well let's make our book a little better"

I look at him curiously. "Our book?"

"Yeah. Our book of life. Ya know? We are writing our own little book in our memories. We have to make every word count"

My heart swelled for his every word as I pulled him closer to me.

"Come on. Let's adventure" he pats my hip. I was actually exaughsted and wished to nap for a century. But I didn't put up a fight, just agreed and got up with him. Where is he talking me tonight?

"We can walk" he explains slipping on his shoes. I pout with sad eyes hoping he'll carry me. Knowing exactly what I was thinking, he rolled his eyes and bent his knees.

"Hop on" he says simply. Good thing my boyfriend is a strong football player because I am super lazy. I jump up letting my legs fall just above his hips and my arms around his neck. As we close the door behind us I realise that I really don't make that much of a difference being on his back since I'm add light as a feather and he's as strong as a polar bear. He takes me across a field, we reach a large wooden building and I jump off his back.

"Come on" he smiles grabbing my hand and pulling me into the barn. It was dark until he lit a match and threw it, creating a friggen bonfire. What the fuck? He must have came here earlier and threw lighter fluid down on the branches. Yet I was still amazed he had taken the time to do such a thing. He leads me to the bench placed inches from the warm fire.

"Remember..." he trails off pulling out a tan acoustic guitar. I feel my cheeks heat up, I don't perform in front of people. Okay I did that one time but it was an accident. "Trust me" he coos. Tenetavley, I take the guitar into my hands. My hands were shaking whilst I set the groove of the guitar on my knee and let my hands fall into place. I don't know what he wants me to play but I strum random notes that sound good together.

"Friend of mine I tried." Austin sang catching me off guard but I quickly adapted to his words. "I've tried. A revolution, everyone's screaming. I'll play the Romeo, you play the Juliet.
The sun won't set, until you appear.
Cause I know you're the one my love, my love."

He finished off the song and I was almost in tears. It was beautiful. More than words could express, I sprung at him wrapping him in a hug.

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