(5) U.A.

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Kirishima's POV:

I walk into my class excited to meet new people but I see a blond kid with his feet on his desk getting chewed out by a blue haired guy with engines in his legs. By the way he talks he doesn't seem the friendliest but it's worth a shot, I sit in the desk behind him and take my chance.

"Hi my name's Eijiro Kirishima, and you?"

"Tch, I'm Katsuki Bakugo. Who's Pinky over there? You seem to know her."

"Oh that's my girlfriend Mina Ashido, I've known her since Middle school." I say giving a wide smile

"Kiri I made us some new friends!" I hear Starburst call across the room

I walk over and start chatting with them, their names are Sero Hanta & Kaminari Denki. They seemed pretty cool but when the conversation got interesting class started.

After Class

"Hey babe imma go sit with Bakugo"

"Ok Babes, don't get killed"

"I won't, I promise."

I walk over to the table the explosive boy is sitting at and sat down next to him "Hey! It's Bakugo, right?" I ask

"Tch. Fuck off"

"But I just wanna be friends..."

"I SAID GO DUMB SHITTY HAIR" man he has a temper

"Ok. Fine." I get up but right as I was about to leave I heard him say something.

"Wait, don't go,"

"Oh ok!" I smile knowing I made a friend. We chat about everything from quirks to our parents & he goes on a rant about his mom which he calls "Old Hag" and without even knowing that any time had passed lunch was over. Before class ended Aizawa-Sensi told us next week we'd be moving in 2 to a dorm. I only knew who I was going to be with and I was pretty happy to find out I was moving in with Mina. I heard Bakugo mention earlier that he would be rooming with Jiro and I could tell he wasn't excited.

"Hey Babes, you seemed really into your conversation over there. What was it about?"

"We just talked about whatever came to our minds. How was lunch with Sero and Kaminari?" 

"Pretty good. I have to go fix up my room so I'll see ya later Babes." She gives me a little kiss on my cheek which I enjoy

"Bye Starburst"

I turn around and there's Bakugo "Oi Shitty Hair! Wanna walk home together?" 

"Sure" I say smiling "Oh did you hear next week when we move into dorms I'm moving in with Mina?"

"Yeah, let's get going"


We talk about our experiences growing up and how our parents raised us differently. Once Bakugo and I got to my house we just said goodbye and I watched as he walked off.

One week later moving into dorms

After I get into my dorm and start unpacking one of my bags I hear a knock on the door so I go and open it up to see Bakugo standing there.

"Oi Shitty Hair do you want help unpacking?"

I get really nervous, on the one hand it seems like a nice thing to do on the other hand I should say no, but if I do he'll blast my face off. "Uhm s-sure"

"Stop fucking stuttering"

"Right yeah sorry"

We get trough unpacking most of my stuff and stupidly I forgot I had put my binder in my bag and went to use the restroom leaving my binder bag unattended.

"Shitty Hair what are these things?"

"Just give me a minuet" I say washing my hands, then the realization hits me 'Oh no!' I swing open the door to see Bakugo holding one of my binders."I can explain. I- uh um" 

"Fucking spit it out Shitty Hair"

I start to hyperventilate and fall to the floor forgetting I'm wearing my binder. Bakugo rushes over to me  to save me before I fall and right in that moment mina walks in.

"This is adorab- What's wrong with Kirishima!?"

"I don't know Pinky! He started breathing heavy and started to fall-"

"Give him to me." 



"All right, here" Bakugo lets go of me and Mina takes me into the bathroom seeing that I can't take off my binder she has to do it herself. She takes off my binder revealing my chest (She put the shirt back on don't worry).

"Hey Babes look at me. 123 in 123 out, 123 in 123 out."

Still hyperventilating a bit I manage to say "Thanks Mina" and I continue to work on my breathing.

"What the hell's going on in there!?" Bakugo shouts through the door

Mina leans close to my ear "Did you already tell him or d-"

I shake my head no before she can get anymore words out "Can you help me?"

"Oh Babes always," Mina goes and unlocks the door "You can come in now. Ei you wanna start"

I nod my head. "So the thing you asked about," I hold up the binder Mina took off "It's a binder which makes my chest flat. The reason I want my chest to be flat is because I was born a girl but I was in the wrong body."

Bakugo just nods his head and Mina continues where I left off.

"I'm also trans but I was born a boy and want to be a girl- Or rather I was born a boy but I'm a girl, these" I see Mina take out her fake breasts from under her bra (yes they exist) "make it look like I have breasts"

"Mhm, that makes more sense"

(Kiri & Mina at the same time) "Promise you won't tell?"

Surprisingly Bakugo laughs a bit "I would never, I promise. Anyway I need to go ask my Old Hag if I left something at my house. BRB."


"I see why you like him" Mina says

"What? Mina I don't like him, I'm dating you and I love you."

"You idiot, I love you too. But as I was saying I see why you like him, I mean he's pretty cute"

Thanks for reading my crapy writing, I always like feedback on what you want to read. Love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Stay safe 💖💖💖

Strawberry Poprocks (Trans!Kirishima x Trans!Mina x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now