(6) Confessions

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Kirishima's POV (what a shocker!):

"It's too bad I have to choose one of you to date but if I have to pick one I'm glad I picked you." I say walking over to my bed.

"See that's the thing, you don't have to pick only one of us, if Bakugo agrees all three of us can be in a relationship,"

"Wait really!?" I say smiling

"Yeah really" Mina giggles a bit

Bakugo POV:

Shitty hair looked so cute, even his hair, and pinky looked so sweet when she was helping E- Shitty Hair and- NO BAKUGO WHAT AARE YOU THINKING THEIR DATING EACH OTHER, if only they weren't. I call my Old Hag like I said I would and it turns out I didn't leave anything. I walk into the room and Mina & Kiri are taking a nap so I decide to go to my dorm and doze off as well.

Time skip a month (Still Bakuhoe pov)

I didn't think I'd make one friend but now I have 2 friends and 2 crushes. The last month has been absolutely phenomenal, me, Kiri, and Mina went swimming, went to the mall, had movie nights, when to dinner, and even visited the old playground a few times. One night before I went to bed I decided I needed to do it. Wether the plan was good or bad I didn't worry about that.

"Hey Kiri Mina thanks for hanging out with me today"

"Oh it was no problem" Mina happily exclaims

"But I have to do one more thing before I go"

"What i-" Kirishima begins

I cut off Kirishima by kissing him hard, Mina seeing what's going on tries to back away but I pull her into a kiss too. Mina grabbed my face and pulled me into the kiss more and when she pulled away to get a breath Kirishima turned my head towards him and kissed me for a solid two minuets. When we pulled away  all I could think about was kissing Kirishima and Mina again. But I thought I had done enough possible damage tonight.

"Goodnight, I need to head to bed." I say waving at the door before I leave

".. B-bye" Kirishima says as if he was in disbelief.

"Ok see ya!" Mina says acting like what he did wasn't completely out of the ordinary.

As a lay in my bed I realize what I did. I kissed them. I kissed both of them and their dating eachother. They hate me now. "UGH!" I yell into my pillow hoping Jiro wouldn't hear him. I'm an idiot who just lost his two best friends.

The next morning I tell Jiro I got sick and to tell Aizawa-Sensi that I'll be back in class soon which she agrees to, I really just didn't feel like seeing Eij-Shitty Hair or Pinky. I've been watching movies and drawing all day but around the end of the day I head a knock on my door.

"Piss off!" I say not wanting to interact with anybody

"Bakugo let us in" A familiar voice says calmly. I melt at the sound of his voice and couldn't tell him no.

"Tch, fine whatever" I open the door to see Kirishima standing in the doorway with food that smelled spicy and Mina was leaning on Kirishima, god she looked super short next to him.

"What the hell do you want?" I say confused as to why they came to my dorm

"Remember how you kissed both of us last night-" Mina began

"If that's all you came to talk about then you can leave."

"Well actually we wanted to know if you wanted to be our boyfriend," Mina explains

I try to compose myself but it's no use "Really!?" I kiss Mina first then I kiss Kirishima "If you tell anybody about me acting like this you're dead, got it?"

Strawberry Poprocks (Trans!Kirishima x Trans!Mina x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now