(11) Surprise!

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I don't have any ideas for these chapters so they might get shorter and I'll probably update less often but I'll try to write when I get an idea

Mina POV:

I wake up and Kirishima was running his fingers through my hair, we were in my dorm so I assumed the boys had carried me here but I have no recreation of what happened like 2 hours before I passed out to now. "Good morning Alien, how are you? You seemed pretty drunk last night" Kiri says as he hands me a glass of water "I'm fine, how's Bakubabe?" I drink the water "I'm glad to hear, and he didn't drink too much but he's still pretty hung over." Of course he is.

It takes awhile but I manage to get out of bed and downstairs. Iida made pancakes, I don't know why but I'm sure as hell not complaining. Soon enough most of class 1-A joined me. Everybody who was at the sleepover was practically shouting at each other to "HYDRATE OR DYDRATE MOTHERFUCKERS" I'm guessing Kirishima was being lazy today considering he didn't even spike up his hair. He also couldn't take off his binder last night and I couldn't take off the fake tits so we weren't supposed to wear them today, because of this both Kiri and I were wearing really baggy shirts. Not gonna lie I was feeling the most dysphoric I've felt in a long time.

I couldn't tell Bakugo about it because he's work. What his job is? I don't know. Why he got a job? Don't know that either but I hope it's for a good reason because I don't get to see him as much anymore.

Kirishima walked up to me looking a bit nervous so I got really worried "Babe, what's wrong?" he leaned into my ear so nobody else could hear "I think I'm going to tell them today. I'm scared" "If it'll make you feel better I can tell them too" He looks at me as if I'd just told him murder plans "No, really you don't have to-" I grab his shoulders and look him in the eye "I'm doing it- We're doing in together, you can't stop me" He hugs me tightly "You're perfect, how did I find you?" I laugh a bit knowing what I'm about to say "Yeah I know I'm pretty great" we laugh a bit "But you're also amazing" he gives me a kiss on the cheek before he sits back down at the table.

Before everybody leaves from their breakfasts I speak up first "Hey everybody, I wanna tell y'all something" they all murmur what I assume is permission. "So um, I'm trans." I press my hands against my chest to show them it's almost completely flat. Before they have a chance to speak Kirishima says "So am I" it's silent for a few minuets then Kami starts talking "Bro I didn't even notice, Bakubro has bigger tits than you" We all laugh for a few minuets then he continues "And Jiro's flatter than you Mina" Jiro smacks the back of his head and we, again, laugh. After a few minuets everybody leaves the table and I turn to Kirishima "That wasn't so hard now was it?" he blushes a bit and hides his face "Shut it, I was just nervous" I give him a hug then go and sit on the couch and watch TV with Yaomomo.

Thanks for reading my crapy writing, I always like feedback on what you want to read. Love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Stay safe 💖💖💖

Strawberry Poprocks (Trans!Kirishima x Trans!Mina x Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now