Chapter 4 - Partnership

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Straightening out the dark red suit you wore, you looked back into your reflection and applied a dark red lipstick to your lips. Smirking at yourself you walk out, your confidence masking your nervousness. As Charlie walks out in her colourful dress and Ally wears her usual trendy attire you frown one last time at the girls who smile.

"Cheer up, red," you shake your head and exit the flat. After getting to the ground floor you let out a sigh. "Who's driving?" Charlie holds up the keys and happily walks to the wrong side of the car.

"Wrong side," Charlie stops and nods before running to the right side of the car.


"Sir, you have a guest," Moriarty quirks a brow at his sniper. "Unexpected, yes, but-"

"What do they want? Are they a client?" Seb walks into the room and nervously rubs his neck.

"They need to see you, they aren't a client though..." Jim sighs and stops typing on his phone.

"Sebastian, what do they want?" The sniper avoids the criminals gaze. "Sebastian..."

"They want a partnership," Moriarty lets out a laugh but stops when his right hand man doesn't smile.

"You're serious? Tell them to piss off, I don't work for anybody," suddenly the door opens and you lean on the frame with a confident smirk.

"You won't be working for me, Moriarty, you'll be working with me," the criminals eyes widen as his feet fall off the edge of his desk. "Thought that was what a partnership consisted of..."

"Y/n..." smiling you walk further into the room and sit down on the client seat, the girls walking in behind you. "Aren't you a colourful bunch," he says after composing himself. "Cheshire and Alice?" He points to the according girls as they nod. He turns back to you with a serious face. "What are you doing here?"

"New York was getting cramped," you lift your hard gaze from the floor to the criminal, crossing your leg and leaning back. "Thought maybe London could use a visit," you gesture to the window onlooking the street.

"I thought you wanted an escape from this life?" You shrug and admire your nails. "I've seen you all over the news,"

"Can't escape what you were made for, especially when the news eats our work up," uncrossing your legs you lean forward to a slightly surprised Jim. "So?"

"Sorry, Y/n, I'm not working with you," as the girls heads drop in disappointment, you scoff and look back at Charlie.

"Give me a few minutes," She raises brow before nodding and walking out with Ally, and Seb after Jim shooed him away. Walking around towards the criminal you sit on the desk and lean forwards. "Listen, I don't want this anymore than you do, but for the sake of my sanity, let's make this partnership work," Moriarty rolls his eyes and leans back in his seat.

"No thanks," scowling you grab Moriartys tie and pull him towards you.

"Listen here, James, my network here is weak and... as much as I hate to say this, it's true... I need you," Jim smirks and stands up.

"Do you need me or my network?" He leans closer to you, making you stumble over your words. "I love that I still have this effect on you,"

"If we are going to be partners, it's strictly business," you push away the criminal and stare up into his dark eyes. "Look, if clients know you have me and the girls on your team we will be unstoppable! People who thought they could double cross you will think twice before doing so..."

"You make an excellent point..."

"So, do we have a deal?" After giving it some thought he nods. "Great," getting off the desk you walk to the door. "Pleasure doing business with you," opening the door you walk down the hall and let the girls follow quickly behind.


"Are we in business?" You nod as you continue the drive down the road.

"Brill!" Charlie cries. "I don't want to know how you did it, Q, but whatever it was, I'm glad-"

"If you're thinking I used my body then I'm slightly offended," Charlie leans back in defence. "I merely told him the truth, and used our reputation to our advantage,"


As you fold your suit up you feel a piece of paper in the pocket. Taking out you see it to be a phone number along with Moriartys initials. "Sneaky bastard," taking out your phone you place in the number and send a text.

The original plan was for Chesh to email you when we have a target - Y/I

Chucking the phone your bed you place away the suit and hang up the jacket. Taking off your makeup you go about your nightly routine before heading to bed. Taking one last glance at your phone a notification pops up.

I thought this would be easier - JM

This better not be one of your games, the conversations we have will be strictly business, am I clear? - Y/I

Crystal, darling - JM x

Rolling your eyes at Jim's successful attempt at making you scowl, you turn the phone off and put it on charge before cuddling up in bed. You eventually fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

~just after you left~

"Did you become partners because of her reputation or because of her?" Moran carefully asked his boss after you and the girls left.

"Why would it matter?" Moriartys monotone voice makes Seb grin.

"After the many years I have worked for you, sir, you have never worked close with anyone at all," Jim looks up at his tiger and tightens his lips in thought. "I mean no offence of course, is this sentiment?" Jim scoffs and looks up at the Sniper who replies with a knowing look.

"No, of course it isn't, sentiment is useless and will only benefit the enemy," Seb nods before opening the door of Moriartys study.

"Goodnight, Boss," Jim waves Sebastian away and gets back to his phone, waiting for you to text him.


Sweet baby Castiel I'm writing chapters ahead again-

- Anna is on a roll ❤️

Physical: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now