Chapter 8 - Forgot you were coming

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Not even half an hour after opening the store door rings open making you smile and look up. Your face falls however when you see the girls walk in. "What are you guys doing here?" Soon Seb and Moriarty walk in. "Ok, I didn't know we were having a reunion,"

"We were bored,"

"Is that why you were missing this morning?" The girls nod and walk further into the store. Charlie sits down on the counter, flattening out her pastel skirt. "What have you been doing?"

"Talking, we didn't want to drag you in because you have work," rolling your eyes you turn to Moriarty who had sunglasses on.

"If you want to stay, you have to keep those glasses on or someone is going to recognise you," looking back at your book the men and Ally walk around the store as Charlie sat by your side. The door rings again when your boss walks in. "Ida!"

"Hello, Y/n, who is this beautiful and colourful girl?" She looks to Charlie who smiles.

"This is Charlie, she's a friend that I moved here with... I hope it's alright she's here," Ida waves a hand dismissing the question.

"That's absolutely fine, as long as you girls don't cause trouble," Ida sees the other people in the store. "Oh, customers already, early day," Ida walks into the back and quickly sorts through files.

"Any plans today?" She nods when walking to the counter.

"Bank, have a few things to sort out, I will be back soon though," smiling you nod.

"Don't forget about dinner with Victor tonight!" You call after her as she leaves.

"How could I forget!" Waving her goodbye you look down at your book as Charlie happily hums to herself and picks up a children's book. After a few minutes the door rings again.

"Welcome to Old and- fuck," The detective and blogger walk into the store. "I forgot you guys were coming today," Charlie looks up from the book and grins.

"I know you! Ally, look who's here!" Ally walks out from behind a shelf and stops in her tracks.

"I can sense tension," Ally was quick to stand by and watch.

"What is all the shouting about?" Jim and Seb walk out and freeze when they see the two other men.

"Y/n, is there a microwave here?" Charlie pulls out a bag of uncooked popcorn from her purse. Ally slaps Charlie's arm and points to a microwave in the back, Charlie was quick to run and cook the popcorn.

"Awkward..." Seb mumbles.

"Why is he here?" John growls.

"They were bored," you say and place down your book.

"What? Your little puppets not entertaining enough?" Sherlock smirks at his remark.

"Alright, ladies, you're both pretty," the microwave goes off making you jump.

"Hot hot hot!" Charlie runs out with the hot popcorn bag. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing," Ally grumbles in disappointment.

"Seriously? You guys suck,"

"If something was to go down it wouldn't be in this book store, Chesh," you clasp a hand over your mouth as Sherlock and John deadpan to you then to Charlie. "Fuck... well, I'm officially a dumbass," you see in your peripheral vision Charlie throw a piece of popcorn at you, catching it quickly you throw it back and hit her on the nose. Staying alive starts to play making Jim smile.

"That would be my cue to leave," When Moriarty answers the phone you click your fingers for the girls to follow him.

"Aw," Charlie pouts.

"I have business with these men," you reply to Charlie and Ally who smirk.

"Make sure it's strictly business!" Ally winks and points to Sherlock. "I wouldn't be able to keep it that way,"

"Al, I will rip you to shreds,"

"Hopefully with all your love, red!" They quickly scamper our leaving you to groan and pick up small bits of popcorn on the floor.

"So what's the case?" John and Sherlock look up. "Murder? Missing persons? Or is it really odd?"

"A bit of everything, really," John says once he snaps out his anger from the previous scenario.


You quickly got the boys on their way and out the store, not wanting to talk to them any longer than you had to. Once out the door you sigh and get back to your spot. The rest of the day went along smoothly, few customers here and there, overall successful. When Ida came back you told her to go and get ready and that just like last night you would lock up.

"Wouldn't hurt to go for a drink..." quickly walking into a bar you order a cocktail and sip at it while entertaining yourself with deductions. As you noticed a few attractive men around the room one caught your eye, dark ginger hair with dark brown eyes (think newt Scamander???). As he catches your glances from across the bar he talks to the bartender and soon you had another drink to replace yours from the mystery man. You see him casually walk up to you with a charming smile which you really couldn't resist.

"Hi, my name is Harry," shaking his hand you smile.

"Y/n," He gestures to the chair making you nod. "Be my guest,"

"What's a lady like you doing in a dump like this?" Grinning you look off sadly.

"Demanding day at work, exhausting really. Needed a quick drink to drown my sorrows," you gesture to your drink.

"Sounds awful," smirking you both continued to chat throughout the night until eventually he invited you back to his flat which you gladly accepted.


I feel like repeating the Hatter storyline but minus the crazy revenge plan, instead something like a normal romance to distract y/n from the other two???? I was going to ask for you to tell me how you think about this but I've already written chapters in advance so I'm sorry!!!

- Confused Anna 🍎 (realising now that's not a heart and it's actually an apple but I'll roll with it)

Physical: Sherlock x fem!Reader x MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now