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"When?" Iniko asked as she swung her bag over her shoulder. She seemed worried about something.

"Tomorrow. That's why I can't have a sleepover," I said as I walked with her to her house.

"We can drop you off!" Iniko exclaimed as she stopped in front of me. I laughed.

"Look, I have plans... just accept that, okay? Sheesh, Iniko," I said as I stopped in front of her house.

"Are you sure—"

"Iniko! I have a doctor's appointment. I. Can. Not. Come. Over," I said. Her eyes looked horrified. "What is with you?"

"Nothing!" She said rather quickly. She then ran into her house and shut the door.

I turned and walked away, baffled.

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"Blood type?" The doctor asked me. I frowned.

"Aren't you supposed to know my blood type?" I asked. The doctor froze. His eyes darted around the room and then he looked back at me.

"No... you are supposed to know your body type. The information should come naturally," The doctor said as he walked over to a table that had shots and assorted needles covering the top. It didn't scare me though.

"Well... clearly I don't remember. Doesn't it say my blood type on my birth certificate?" I asked as I sat up straighter on the hospital bed. The doctor shook his head.

"Lets just skip that question... um... do you at least remember your birthday?" The doctor asked me.

I laughed, "Of course I know my birthday, but shouldn't y'all know it also? Like maybe on my birth certificate?" I asked. How can they not know anything about me?

The smiled nervously, "What's your birthday again? I looked at your birth certificate earlier and everything completely slipped my mind," The doctor said. He looked frazzled. I looked at my dad who was staring wide eyed at the floor. He looked frazzled also.

"You know what? You're healthy, thanks for coming, bye," The doctor said as he ushered me and my dad out of the room.

"Dad, what happened—"

"Nothing son, let's go."

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"Hey sweetie, how was school?" My mom asked as she pulled up her car to the parking spot in front of the school.

"It was good..." I said as I opened the door to the passenger seat and sat down.

"But?" My mom asked catching on to my pause.

I froze. There is no way I was telling her I got basically interrogated at school by the principal who thought I never enrolled into the school. Apparently, all my records of being enrolled were gone. "Um... nothing. No one likes high school so... yeah," I said as I did a fake smile. She stared at me and then hummed thoughtfully.

I turned away from her and sat there pondering. I asked my self in my mind, How have I not been enrolled into school? Why would I be going to a school I've never been enrolled into? Why—

"What's on your mind my little man?" My mom asked as she tussled my hair. I glared at her and she smirked. I rolled my eyes. I looked up to find we were home.

"Nothing," I said as I opened the car door and stepped out. I then walked up the patio steps and walked inside.

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"Get your hands off me, I didn't do anything wrong," I said as a police officer gripped my forearm and dragged me to my front door. I stared at the floor as the door opened.

My mom looked at me then the officer... than back at me, "Zara, what happened?"


"Identity theft. She stole a kid's I.D and license at school. She also claimed a car, that was not hers, and tried going out of our countries borders," The officer stated as he gripped my arm harder. I clenched my teeth and swallowed. My mind panicked.

"He's lying. I didn't do anything," I said. The officer glared at me then released my arm and shoved me toward my mom.

My mom glanced at me then looked at the officer and asked, "What are the charges?"

He looked at me and said, "Three-thousand as a warning fee."

My mom nodded and said, "I'll get you the money by tomorrow. Sorry, by the way."

He nodded and walked away. My mom shoved me into the house and yelled, "What were you thinking?"

"Mom, relax—"

"No! I will not relax! You stole someone's car and there I.D, along with their license... to leave?" She yelled as she locked eyes with me. I looked at the floor.

"Well, its not like I have an I.D!" I yelled back, "It's like I can pass by in the world invisible. So... I stole their I.D. So that... So that I can feel like I exist," I said as I looked at my mom straight in the eye.

"You are never getting an I.D after this," She whispered.

I gasped and walked up to her face, "Why?"

"Because, Zara, explain why you wanted to run away!" She spat back. My eyes filled with tears as I ran into my room and slammed my door.

"Oh... I'll explain why I was running away alright," I muttered as wiped the tears off my face and started packing my bag.

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