Chapter 3 (Lost)

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"We lost track of Zara," I said as I looked at my boss who was checking millions of screens at once. He froze.


"We don't know where Zara is—"

My boss slammed his hand on the table. "What do you mean? We have millions of cameras—"

"Sir, we have a call coming in," My assistant said as she took a remote out her pocket.

"Who is it?"

"A... Garcia Jones?" My assistant stated.

"Lucy? Lucy Garcia Jones?" My boss asked.

"Yes sir—"

"Answer!" He yelled as he sat down his chair in front of a big screen. My assistant pressed a button on the remote she held in her hand. On the screen appeared a girl with blonde hair and a navy blue prom dress. "You're in the same zone as Zara, right?" My boss asked Lucy.

"That's right," She said as she looked around the room she was in.

"So, does that mean you know where she is?"

"... no, sir. She got away," Lucy said as nervously bit her lip. My boss was silent for a while. He said nothing.

He finally spoke saying, "Do you know if she is still in your zone?"

Lucy hesitated before saying, "No."

My boss sat in silence—

"Maybe this is a good thing!" Lucy blurted. 

"... a good thing?" My boss asked.

"Think about... she only wants to be a normal person, she clearly knows we exist now, let her go! Set her free!" Lucy yelled. My boss slammed his hand on the table and looked at Lucy through the screen.

"I can't just let her leave! She's been in that zone since she was born, and I do not intend to let her leave anytime soon."

"But sir, imprisoning her without her even knowing is not right, and you know it—"

"Sir, footage just came through of the last time we saw Zara," My assistant said as she pulled out her iPad and uploaded the footage onto the screen, making Lucy's face shrink down to a tiny box in the corner. Then the footage started playing, showing Zara and Lucy outside.

"It looks the same, Zara."

"No... look closer."

"Zara, what do you think you're doing?"

It then showed Zara go into the car and drive off.

"Something you're trying to tell us, Ms. Jones?" My boss asked. Lucy stopped. "And why hasn't someone tracked down that car yet—"

"That's the problem... we can't," My assistant said as she paused the video.

"But we have a tracker on every car in that zone—"

"Well... apparently not hers."

My boss looked at Lucy in the corner of the screen. Lucy looked terrified and proud at the same time.

"What did you do, Jones?" My boss asked.

"I took off the tracker," She whispered as she stared back at my boss.

My boss looked around the room and then at my assistant. He then told her, "Get all of our police squads and ever actor in that zone and make sure that barrier is surrounded before Zara gets there. I will not let her leave!"

"Yes, sir."

"And put Xavior's, Nova's, and Ace's zones on lock down in case they have any crazy ideas also or any traitors," My boss said as he looked at Lucy. Lucy stayed silent. "And Lucy?"

"What?" Lucy asked.

"I have a new role for you."


I had my foot on the gas petal at all times. Even when I was supposed to stop. It was there. I've never been so far in the country... which is sad, considering I've only been driving for... an hour? No bad.

I looked around and saw no buildings.

Just open path.

"I've never been this far..." I whispered as I looked at my surroundings. I then looked straight ahead. It looked like the path went on forever... and ever... and ever... I slammed the gas petal down—


My head slammed into the glass window in front of me as the car crashed into something. I felt my head pound as the air bags went off in the car. My hand shook as I pushed myself away from the window and found the door handle and rolled out of the car. "Ow," I murmured as I touched my forehead and felt a small gash. 

I shrugged.

It'll heal.

I looked at the front of the car and saw that it hit something... but nothing was there. I blinked in confusion as I tried walking in front of the car—

I ran into something.

"Ow," I said touching my head again. There was nothing there though. I then slowly extended my hand and...

"Oh my gosh," I whispered as I found myself touching an invisible wall. "How.." I felt a drop of blood trickle down my face but didn't care.

I was right.

"I was right," I said. I then yelled loudly, "I WAS RIGHT!" I've been trapped all my life. I put my hands on my head in surprise. How do I get out?

I put both my hands on the wall and started to push against them. Nothing happened. I then started running, with one hand on the wall trying to find something.

I then felt a crevice. I then put my fingers in the crevice and started trying to open the wall—

I flew back and hit the ground hard, once again, hitting my head. I moaned as I looked up and saw a dark rectangle. I stood and started walking toward it. I reached my hand out to touch it... to find my hand went through.

Not through.


It was a way out of here—

I heard sirens behind me. Thousands of them. I then turned around and saw more cop cars than ever. I froze as I saw officers get out of the car. They froze as they looked at me... then back at the opened wall. I they all stared at me in silence. Anxiety and panic started to build inside of me as I saw more police cars pull up. The sirens were so loud and so blinding I couldn't focus right. 

Freedom is right behind me yet so far at the same time. 

I looked at the officer who frowned as he looked at my head along with my black eye. He then took a step toward me. I took a step back and asked, "What is this?" I then pointed at the opening behind me.

"Zara... this is not—"

"Liar!" I yelled as I turned around and ran into the dark opening behind me... but what was I running into exactly?

Another world?

Another life?

Or maybe... another trap?

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