Chapter 2 (Prom)

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"Are you getting ready for the prom?" My mom asked me as she peeked her head in through the crack in my door, a strand of hair from her messy bun falling free.

"Yeah," I said as I applied my pink lipstick. My mom looked at me and smiled.

"Iniko's outside. She's waiting," My mom said as she walked in my room and fixed my wavy brown hair. I looked in the mirror as my mom gently plopped my soft curls behind my shoulder. I looked at my dress, that complimented my extremely tan skin, which was a beautiful purple with a diamond strap that wrapped around my waist. The dress used to be my moms for when she went to prom. Our family barely has any money, so this is the most gorgeous thing we have and it is still in beautiful condition.

My mom kissed me on the cheek and said, "You look amazing. You are officially graduating! Maybe you'll also meet your man at the prom..." She stood away from me and looked at me up and down.

I smiled and replied, "Maybe."

"I'll go get a camera. Meet me downstairs when you're ready," My mom said as I heard her run down the stairs. I quickly put my earrings on along with my cuff bracelet and made my way downstairs. My mom was waiting with a camera at the bottom of the stairs just like she said. She started taking photos. I laughed as she took them. My mom then opened the front door and kissed my cheek. She then whispered, "Have fun. Don't get too carried away."

I looked at my mom and said, "I won't. I'll be fine. I promise." And then I walked out of my house and into Iniko's car.

* * *

"Wow, the décor committee did good!" Iniko said as she walked gracefully into the center of the room. The room was dark, but there were flashing neon lights that roamed like spotlights in the room. Back and forth. There were couples dancing. Iniko's boyfriend came by and started talking to her. I looked around and saw everyone with a partner. And I mean everyone. They were even dancing to the exact. Same. Choreography. I mean everyone looked like a mirror. I was confused but still I smiled at the sight. It was sweet people got along—

"Alone too, huh?" I heard a guy voice next to me. I turned my head and saw a handsome boy standing next to me. I nodded and looked back at the couples dancing. The boy stood in front of me, then he extended his hand. My eyes widened as I looked at his outstretched hand. "May I have this dance?"

I felt my cheeks warm as I looked at the ground. I then nodded and accepted his hand. He lead me to the center of the prom room.

"So... what's your name?" The boy asked.

"Nova. Nova Ximena. What's yours?" I asked as the boy wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Diego. Diego Felipe," The boy, Diego, said as he spun me around. I giggled as an explosion of confetti came raining down from the ceiling, sticking to my hair. "You're a good dancer," Diego said in his charming Hispanic accent. I really felt like I was in a romantic movie.

"I'm just following you," I replied. Diego laughed and moved a hand from my waist to my shoulder, stroking a piece of my hair. I suddenly stopped breathing as he looked at me in a way I couldn't place. Is that a look of love?

He then leaned in to kiss me.


I grabbed his hand that was around my waist and shoved it to his chest and jogged, in heels, out of the room.

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