The Inconvenience Of Being An Omega | Bakudeku, Shigadabi

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it's an omegaverse with lots of self indulgence cause i want Shigaraki and Izuku to be friends

this is literally fluff without plot

also this is probably the longest thing i've ever written it's 1872 words

the power of self indulgence yeehaw


Midoriya woke up for school feeling flushed. He felt slightly out of breath, not by much, and had a slight fuzzy feeling in his mind. His fresh lily, outdoorsy scent smelled sweeter, like a field of flowers. Midoriya groaned.

His heat was coming soon.

The omega had been expecting it. His heat came every three months, and it was around the time his next heat would appear.

Didn't mean he was happy about it though.

Midoriya, not wanting to miss a day of school, decided that he could probably go to school. His heat wouldn't fully hit until a day or two.

The greenette rolled out of bed to put on his uniform.


"Deku, are you alright? You don't look so good."

Midoriya looked up at the brown haired beta towering above his desk. He nodded.

"I'm okay Uraraka! Really." Midoriya said, smiling.

Uraraka raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

Midoriya laughed lightly. "My heat's gonna start soon is all. I should be okay for now, but I might not be in school tomorrow."

Uraraka nodded hesitantly. "Makes sense. But, if you're starting to feel it coming sooner, promise me you'll leave early."

Midoriya groaned. "Uraraka..."

"Deku..." She mimicked.

Sighing, Midoriya agreed. The beta smiled in satisfaction before taking her seat.

Aizawa came into the classroom shortly after. The omega hero started with explaining what they would do that day.

"We're going to go down to UA's gyms to spar for today. Nothing too interesting. Go put on your hero suits and meet me there."

Class 1-A was quick to follow their teacher's instructions. Midoriya found that he got out of his seat a little too fast, and felt himself get dizzy.

Placing a hand to his desk to steady himself and one on his forehead, he took a deep breath. The omega noticed his teacher gave him a look from the corner of his eye, but couldn't dwell on it long.

"Oi, hurry up nerd. I wanna spar with you."

Midoriya looked up to see Bakugou, an alpha. Bakugou was his childhood friend turned bully turned rival turned friend. Well, friend for Bakugou standards.

The alpha's scent was like burning wood. Smoky. It had an undertone of something sweet and sugary. Bakugou's expression made it clear he was going for the win.

Offering a bright, challenging smile, Midoriya agreed.


It had all happened so suddenly. One second, the kids were sparring. The next thing they knew, one of the gym's walls was demolished. Chunks of the wall flew everywhere, dust mixing with the air.

No one was shocked when they realized the League of Villains had attacked.


Their leader appeared first, with two of his strongest fighters by his side.

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