" Should we risk it?"

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" Just the necessities of course!"

Tintin and Ana watched the captain with unamused expressions on their faces as he stuffed his pockets with bottles of alcohol.

One every pocket had a bottle in it Haddock turned to his companions before heading past them saying," to the lifeboats."

The four of them reached a door that led outside. Haddock, who was the first to reach the door, opened it with Tintin and Ana both close behind. Noticing a guard directly outside, Tintin was quick to pull the captain back. Thinking quickly, Tintin took one of the captain's bottles from him, thinking to use it to hit the guard on the head.

However, when the door had been opened again and Tintin was preparing to hit the guard, Captain Haddock took the bottle from his hand and took a swig of the alcohol within, leaving Tintin to hit the other man with his bare fist.

" C'mon." The Haddock waved for Tintin and Ana, who was checking Tintin's hand for injury, to follow him.

Once the four reached the lifeboats Tintin and Haddock prepared one while Snowy stood and watched them and Ana kept watch for any of the crew.

Upon hearing footsteps Ana quickly signaled for Tintin and the Captain to get down before hiding herself, saving them from being noticed by the two crew members walking on the deck before they headed into another room.

" It's Allan," Haddock said, pointing to one of the men, sounding slightly scared.

" Is that the bridge?"

" Aye, on the other side of the radio room."

" Radio room?" Ana asked with her back pressed up against the wall opposite of Tintin and Haddock. Making eye contact with Tintin she asked," Should we risk it?"

Tintin nodded to her before patting Haddock on the back." Wait here, Captain. Sound the alarm if anyone comes."

" Careful Tintin! Miss. Smith!" Haddock called after the two of them as they, plus Snowy, hurried towards the Radio room.

" I can't see a thing!" One crew member yelled to another three.

" Quit ya winning and find those kids!"

" I didn't sign up for this!"

" He said keep searching!"

The two 'kids' in question had arrived at the radio room door and listened to the men inside talking.

" Message just come through, boss," one of the men told Allan.

" What's it say?"

" The Milanese Nightengale has landed, waiting in the wings for action."

" Milanese Nightengale?" Tintin whispered questioningly.

Allan held up a card, presumably with the new news written on it." Now, pray this cheers him up."

Once the men had left Tintin silently slipped open the door and walked into the room with Ana and Snowy following behind him. Tintin walked over to the set of radio's and looked over the table as Ana wandered over to the map on the wall and Snowy, ever helpful, battled a rat over another sandwich.

" Baggar," Tintin muttered to himself, looking at a slip of paper with that word on it before looking around the rest of the items scattered around the table." What's this?" He picked up a brochure." The sultanate of Baggar... ruled over by Sheik Omar Ben Salaad, who's love of music and culture is matched only by his love of-" He turned the page before exclaiming," Great Snakes!"

Ana and Snowy both turned to look at him, Snowy even momentarily stopping his game of tug-a-war, as Tintin rushed over to the map, crouching down next to Ana as he muttered to himself." Baggar... The port of Baggar... Morocco!" He turned back to the set of radio's and rushed over to start sending a morse code message.

The transmission was interrupted, however, when one of the crew returned. As soon as he noticed Tintin and Ana he pulled out his gun yelling," In here! They're in here!"

Snowy lept from the table and bit the man's wrist, forcing the shot to veer off course. Thinking quickly, Ana punched the man while he was distracted by the dog, forcing him to drop his gun before Tintin picked it up. As more men entered the room Tintin grabbed Ana's wrist with his free hand and pulled her out of there with Snowy at their heels.

Dodging a crew member who was in their way, Tintin and Ana hoped the fence, landing on a lower level of the deck as the men going after them yelled at each other and at the two young adults. The two skitted to a stop when they ran into another man searching for them but quickly took him down before continuing to run, knowing Snowy had already gotten to safety.

They slid down and fell to another deck, Ana landing on her feet as Tintin fell down. She turned around with the idea to help him up, knowing she was the only one out of the group who was unimportant enough to be left behind.

" Go! Catch up with the Captain and Snowy, I'll be fine."

She nodded uncertainly before running off, attempting to dodge the bullets being shot at her before leaping off the edge once she reached the lifeboat that Haddock and Snowy were dangling from. With her left hand, she quickly grabbed one of the seats, looking up at the deck above, worried for the safety of her best friend...

Then a loud noise came from around the corner and she could see Tintin running from at least half a dozen crew members before Allan appeared on top of the stairs opposite of Tintin. Taking a shot of faith, Tintin managed to hit the lever on the light next to Allan, blinding his pursuers before he lept onto the boat, clinging to the same seat as Ana before aiming the gun up at the rope still tying them to the boat and firing, causing them to fall to the water.

Almost automatically Tintin and Haddock began to row away from the Karabudjan as Ana knelt at one end of the boat, facing the ship they'd just escaped from.

Noticing a flare come from the larger boat Ana signaled for the others to get down before attempting to hide as well. The four sat there in fear as they heard the Karabudjan approaching their position. Haddock attempted to look over the edge of their small lifeboat before being told by Tintin to stay down as they all braced for impact. The Captain snatched Snowy from Tintin in fear as the journalist and his assistant closed their eyes tightly, unaware they had grabbed each other's hands to brace themselves.

Then there was a huge crash from nearby and the Karabudjan passed them by, mistaking another lifeboat for theirs. The four poked their heads up from the edge of the boat, watching the large ship begin to leave them alone causing them all to let out a sigh of relief before beginning their journey to Baggar as Tintin and Ana each took an oar.

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