" Tripple Masted, Double Decks, Fifty Guns..."

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Authors Note: Welcome to the third book I'm writing during Quarantine, April of 2020. The first two are The Opera's Nightengale ( Phantom of the Opera; Raoul Vicomte De Chagney) and King of Manhattan ( Newsies; Spot Conlon) in addition I rewrote some bits of Vive La France ( Les Miserables; Enjolras and Gavroche) so if your interested please check them out! Also please appreciate how much effort I put into not mentioning Tintin's name until the Vendor says it at the end of the Chapter.

" Very nearly there sir. I have to say, your face is familiar, have I drawn you before?"

" Occasionally."

" Of Course! I've seen you in the newspaper! You are a reporter?"

" I'm a journalist... be patient Snowy, not much longer."

The small white wire fox terrier who went by the name of Snowy sat impatiently as he waited for his master's portrait to be drawn. He looked around at the market place for a minute before noticing a shady looking character. Hesitating slightly, the dog eventually decided to follow the man rather than sit still.

" There," the painter said with a final stroke of his brush." I believe I have captured something of your likeness."

" Huh, not bad. Ana? What do you think of it?" the journalist asked his assistant who stood to one side, holding his coat.

" I think it's a perfect recreation! Has the same hairstyle that will never follow instructions... Has your grin... it looks mediocre, great job!" Ana Smith turned to the painter." You've got him bang on."

" Oh, hush. Remind me to make fun of you whenever we get your portrait done. What do you think, Snowy?" he turned to see that his dog was no longer by his side. He sighed, exasperated," Snowy... There you are, sir! Now, where's he run off too?"

Ana handed her boss his coat before the pair of them set off in search of the small dog. As they passed by a set of mirrors the Journalist attempted to keep his hair down but it popped up less than a minute later while Ana attempted to hide a small chuckle. Then she stopped.

While her boss reunited with Snowy she noticed something out of the corner of her eyes and turned around, in awe of what stood before her. The Journalist looked up and saw in the mirror his assistant gawking at a nearby item on sale. He got up and began to approach just as Ana began to talk about the model.

" Tripple Masted, Double Decks, Fifty Guns..." she turned to look at the man she worked for, sensing he was walking over." Isn't she a beauty?"

" That's a very unique specimen that is," the vendor told the two." From an old sea captain's estate."

" The Unicorn..." Ana said, reading the back of the ship.

" Unicorn, Man o' war sailing ship. It's very old that is; sixteenth century."

" Seventeenth I believe," Ana corrected the man, continuing her inspection of the model ship.

" Reign of Charles the First."

" Charles the second," the reporter told him.

" That's what I said, Charles the Second. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas. You won't find another one of these, mate. And it's only two quid."

The reported internally debated with himself before looking up and saying," I'll give you a pound."

" Done!"

The vendor took the boat out of its protective case and handed it to the Reporter, who then handed it to his assistant just as an American man came running up to them.

" Hey bud, how much for the boat?"

" I'm sorry, I just sold it to this young gent and his friend."

" Oh yeah?" the man asked." Tell me what you paid, and I'll give you double."

" Double?" the vendor asked, sounding offended.

" Thanks, but it's not for sale."

" Look, kid, I'm trying to help you and your girlfriend out. I don't think you realize this, but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger."

" What kind of Danger?" Ana asked curiously.

The American sighed." I'm warning you, get rid of the boat, and get out while you still can. These people do not play nice."

" What people?" The reporter asked right before a new man came up from behind him.

" Wonderful!" Ana and her employer turned around." It's just wonderful! Don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by check?"

" If you wanna buy it you'll have to talk to the kid."

" I see," the man said." Well, let the kid name his price."

" Name his price!?" the vendor exclaimed before sitting down." Ten years I've been flogging bric-a-brac and I miss ' name your price' by one bleedin' minute."

" I'm sorry," The reporter said." I already explained to the other gentleman-"

" American he was, all hair oil and no socks."

" - it's not for sale."

" Then let me appeal to your better nature." The man put his checkbook away." I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall and this ship - I'm sure you're aware- was once part of the estate."

" Of the late sea Captain!" Ana said, slightly just wanting to show off her knowledge.

" The family fell upon hard times, lost everything. They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since. We are talking; generations of drinking and irrational behavior-"

" I'm sorry," the reporter interrupted him." But as I told you before... it's not for sale. Good Day to you sir." The reporter walked away, quickly followed by his dog and his assistant.

" That young man," the man asked the vendor." What's his name?"

" Him? Everybody knows him. That's Tintin!"

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