" I am so very uncomfortable."

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" I am so very uncomfortable," Ana said as she, Tintin, and Haddock stood outside Salaad's palace.

" Calm down Ana," Tintin said calmly." You have to wear the dress for the time being, or else we're going to get funny looks, as soon as this is over you can go back to your normal attire." He looked around to see if they were being watched before taking the scroll out of his pocket and handed it to the captain while saying in a hushed voice," Here, I want you to look after this."

Haddock began to walk away in fear.

" Captain? Are you alright?" Ana asked, concerned.

" Me?

" Yes."

" Are you sure?"

" Look if I'm caught I don't want them to find this on me, I would give it to Ana, who's usually better at slipping away then I am, but that dress has no pockets in it so you'll have to carry the scroll. Just keep it hidden."

Haddock got down to his knees and held up the scroll as though taking an oath." I will guard this with my life."

" Get up, get up!" Both Tintin and Ana hurriedly said in very hushed voices, glancing around to see if they'd attracted any unwanted attention.

They got through the palace gates and started the walk up, all the way with Ana complaining.

" I really don't understand how other women can function wearing something like this."

" I believe you've said that enough."

They'd just taken a seat when 'The Milanese Nightengale' entered as everyone in the room rose to their feet in applause.

Tintin looked through his theater binoculars ( Quick A/N: yes that is the correct term I looked it up) before noticing Salaads model ship in the background, still in its bulletproof case.

Ana, noticing the ship as well, attempted to look as interested as possible in the opera as it began so as not to draw 'funny looks' and tried her best at keeping a good posture, all the while glancing at the model of the Unicorn constantly.

Haddock began to complain about the noise almost instantly and as Tintin spoke to him Ana kept her eyes on the ship, knowing that at any moment Sakharine could be trying to steal it and they needed to be ready when the moment came.

Suddenly, sometime before the opera hit its highest note, Tintin stood up, looking up at the balcony behind their seats and said in a quiet voice so as not to disturb anyone else." Sakharine."

Ana, hearing this, looked out of the corner of her eye at the man before glancing back at the model, and the glass which was beginning to waver from how high pitched The Milanese Nightengale was becoming." Oh no."

The pitch of the opera quickly began to go higher and higher before glasses began to shatter and right before the final note, the chandeliers from behind the seats fell to the ground until finally the glass protecting the model of The Unicorn shattered.

Sakharine unleashed his falcon who flew through the commotion right over to the tiny ship to take the scroll from within it as Tintin quickly sent Snowy after the bird.

" Tintin!" Haddock, who had re-entered the building, yelled through the commotion." Ana!"

" Those three!" Haddock pointed over at the Captain, Tintin, and Ana." There! They're here to steal your ship!"

" No, no, no!" Tintin said frantically." We're not!"

" Arrest him!" Salaad yelled, taking Sakharine's side and pointing to Haddock." The ugly one!"

" Me!?"

" Yes! Him! Arrest him!"

" This is why I usually try to avoid Opera's," Ana said as she and Tintin attempted to push their way through the crowd to the captain.

" Captain! Sakharine's got the scroll." The three made their way out of the building.

" It's worse then that."

" What do you mean?"

" They took your scroll Tintin." Tintin and Ana both stopped walking, looking at Haddock in shock." It's gone."

" Gone? Gone!? How? What happened?" Ana asked hurriedly, speed walking her way outside.

" It was Allan! He knobbled me in the garden, and there was a bottle of alcohal-"

" There always is," Tintin said angrily as he attempted to catch up with Ana.

" No, not like that-"

" I can smell it on you." He walked off before hit one of the guards in the head as Haddock and Snowy hurried after him.

" Tintin! Where're you going!?" The captain asked frantically.

" I'm going after Sakharine."

" By yourselves!?"

" Yes. Come on Snowy." He hurried over to Ana, who had already taken a motorbike, and got on the seat behind her as Snowy, and then Haddock, got into the sidecar.

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