Chapter 3 (Li'l Daisy)

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(Mario P.O.V)

I was walking back to the camp, but when I got to the desert I saw something that terrified me. It was several monsters going after a small plant child and I knew I couldn't just leave it. I decided to pull out Eternity and take out the monsters that was attacking the little girl. After I mowed down the monsters I decided to talk to the kid.

Mario: Hey there. What are doing out here kid? You shouldn't be here! Especially not at night.


Mario: Well your not talking. Come on. We're getting you inside. Follow me.

Time Skip Back to the Camp

 Mario: Alright I got you a sleeping bag for you you ca

I then saw the little plant child in a pot, which shocked me a lot.

Mario:What are you doing. This was supposed to be a flower pot I set up for flowers. Wait are you comfortable in that.


Mario: I mean it makes sense since your like a plant girl thing. I guess if that's more comfortable for you then you can stay in it. I think I'll call you Daisy. Yeah. Well I try to find your parents and if I can't, I guess you can stick with me. Goodnight.

Man, today was a weird day huh?

Time Skip Next Morning

(Kaykrae P.O.V)

I was slithering around the camp since I have nothing to do, then I got the idea to visit Mario, but when I got there I was met by a little plant child in a pot. I knocked on the door to get answers and Mario opened the door so we had a talk about the little kid in his pot.

Kay: Mario what's with the little nymph in your pot?

Mario: Is that what Daisy is?

Kay: Daisy?

Mario: That's what I named her.

Kay: Oh. Well yes she's a nymph, but you still didn't answer my question.

Mario: Oh well I found her in the desert surrounded by monsters that were about to eat her. I felt bad so I decided to protect her from them and take her back in the camp, when we got back to my cabin she settled in my flower pot so yeah.

Kay: Oh ok, but you gotta tell me next time.

Mario: Not sure if there's gonna be a next time, but sure.

Daisy: Momma, Pappa.

Mario & Kay(blushes): What!?!?

Mario: Did she just?

Kay: I think she did.

Mario: Actually, I can now ask her this. Where are your parents?

Mario: Oh wait.

Kay: Um.

Mario: I think she already answered that huh?

Kay: Yep.

Daisy: Momma, Pappa.

Mario: Oh boy.

(Mario's Dead Mom in Heaven P.O.V)

Mario's mom (in heaven with Zeus): Aww I'm a grandma.

Zeus: Well you already are considering the amount of children and grandchildren I have.

Mario's Mom: I mean grandma made from my own child honey.

Zeus: Oh right.

Mario's mom:Wait, Mario's gonna learn about the birds and the bees soon if Daisy considers him a dad.

Zeus: Oh right.

Mario: Actually I've never learned this but where do actual kids come from.

Kay: Oh, well. (Tells him about the birds and the bees.)

Mario(Shocked): Okay. 

Mario went to his cabin and screamed while Kay watched and understood why while Mario's mom in heaven simply let out a sigh.

Mario's Mom: I suppose he was gonna lose his innocence sooner or later.

Zeus: Yep.

Mario Son of Zeus(Origins of Olympus AU)Where stories live. Discover now