Fireflies and Fright | Part 3

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Y/N is shocked. He is on the ground, Helen in his arms. A hatchet is in the tree they were leaning on. Jonathan is frozen, staring down at the two. The question lingers in their mind, never leaving like a scar. What happened?

"D-Damnit! I missed!"


Another stranger.


They hop up at the sight of the figure. This is a male. He has a grey jacket and jeans. A mouth guard and goggles. He ticks and twitches and has another hatchet at his side. It looks as if the chase isn't over.

The other two masked figures appear and the boys begin to run. Now they knew this was a life or death situation, not just some silly prank, or random kidnapper. These are murders and y/n doesn't think they'll let them escape a third time. He harshly grabs Helen's wrist, knowing how slow Helen runs. Helen is scared for his life, knowing that if the killers were to get any closer, y/n might get scared and let go of him. Helen is scared to be left behind. He is scared that they will leave him because he is slow. Helen wishes he got out more.

Helen looks behind to see how close the killers are and his vision fogs for a moment when he sees that he could almost touch them. The one in the middle of the trio has a white mask white black eyes and lipstick. The other to his left is filming them, his mask is black with a red face. The twitching man has his other hatchet back.

When Helen sees a crowbar raise, he faints. . .

Helen drops to the floor and y/n gasps, falling down with him. "Helen, wha-" y/n cuts himself off when he sees the sleeping male. He calls for Jonathan, and when he sees the killers stop in front of them, a large growl erupts from his throat.

"Stay away from Helen." He warns. Jonathan quickly runs up to them, picking up Helen with delicately.

The killer with the red stitched face stays still, his camera never leaving y/n. It seemed to be his eyes. The man with the white mask moved his arm a bit and y/n's fists went wild. Y/N's first hit caught the masked man by surprise, and his mask made a strange sound. He dodged the rest, moving his head and catching y/n's fists like it was child's play.

It only made y/n more furious.

"Y/N, let's go! I've got Helen!" Jonathan yells, Helen thrown over his shoulder. Y/N glances at them before the killers and back again. He decides against fighting murders; three against one at that; and runs away.

The killers still follow them, but not as much. They're not as close and not as harsh and intimidating. That doesn't mean y/n didn't keep a close eye on them. He wanted to keep them as far away from his friends as possible. He didn't care if they were stronger.

He could hear the twitching boy making small sounds behind him. He knew they were no code words, because when the noises began to increase, he cursed, stomped his foot, and unintentionally slapped himself.

When y/n looked back, he stuck his tongue out and flipped them off. He felt a little cocky that they were getting away, so why not? He could see the road ahead of him. Wait. . .

Are those headlights?



"I-Is everyone okay?!"

Jonathan was the first one to speak. All of the boys were on the ground. They've almost died.


A car was going down the rode. They ran across just in time. Any later they would've been roadkill. The car swerved a bit, but it thankfully didn't crash. Everyone was safe.

Even the murders.

Y/N could still hear the soft noises from the ticking boy across the road. When he looked, they quickly disappeared. He looked towards Helen, who lay as still as a corpse. He gently put his ear to Helen's chest to confirm his friend was still alive.

Then everything hit him.

The realization of the situation. The fatigue. The wounds. Y/N cries. He cries about a lot of things. Like how tired he is, like how scared he is, how he fears Helen will never wake, how he fears he won't be able to walk those few blocks to get to his house.

Yet he stands. He stands and wipes his tears. He stands and ignores his drained body. He stands beside Jonathan, who carries Helen's body in a more comfortable position.

And walks.

He walks and he doesn't stop to take a break. He walks beside Jonathan like if he were to stop, the world would too. If he were to stop, everything were to crumble. If he were to stop, Helen's heart would too.

Y/N is tired and sore. He is sweaty and dirty, his hair matted to his face and dirt between his fingers. His eyes were puffy and red, and all he could think about was the feeling of warm blankets over him, a comfy pillow below his head, and his shower in the morning. No way did he have the energy to do something like that now.

When they got back home, Helen has awoken. Y/N is all around him, constantly asking if he was okay. Helen reassured him with simple yes' and a few heat pats.

Now, Jonathan is asleep in the fort while Helen and y/n are in the bathroom together. Helen tries to be as gentle as possible with y/n's hangs, gently wrapping gauze around his torn palms.

"You should really be more careful, y/n." Helen sighs, beginning to wrap the bandages around y/n's fingers. He's already properly cleaned them and he hopes y/n will sit still long enough for Helen to care for him.

"I was in a life or death situation. I'd gladly give up my hands for my life." Y/N responds, seeming to stare into Helen's eyes more than paying attention to his hand. Y/N has admitted that he loves Helen's eyes lots of times. He somehow never seems to get bored of them.

"I know, but still. Please take care of yourself.." Helen says, now going to the other hand.

"Awe, you care!" Y/N pulled Helen into a giant hug, squeezing Helen close to him. "H-Hey! You're crushing me!" Helen says. Y/N pulls away and Helen goes back to his hand.

"And of course I care for you.. why wouldnt I..?" Helen mumbles. Y/N smiles widely, but knows Helen would be embarrassed if he knew he heard. So y/n pretends he's heard nothing, but the giant smile and compliments he wanted to shower Helen with was getting hard to hold back.

Helen finally finishes wrapping y/n's hands and and a bit around his wrists to keep the bandages secure. He even did it around his ankles, since those were the things that got caught.

Now, they can sleep in peace.

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