Why. . ?

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( This chapter contains violence. )

"Woah, woah, woah. . Kill him?" Jonathan asked. "Not literally! Just. . . toughen him up a bit." Y/N smiled, taking a sip of his brother's milkshake, who growled at him for it.

"I don't think you should beat him up.. Yeah, he's bad but-" Jonathan said, but was interrupted. "Exactly! He's not just bad, hes terrible! He's a goody-two-shoes around Helen, but do you see how much of a jerk he is to me?! He's planning something.." Y/N says, almost spilling his ice cream.

"Woahh, planning something?" Carmelo asks. Y/N nods and looks over to his brother.

"He doesn't want me to be friends with Helen anymore and that's probably because he knows about my fighting skills. If he can get me out of Helen's life, I have no reason to defend for him! Or maybe he wants to hurt me! In reality I'm the one he's after and he wants to ruin my life. So, if I act all buddy-buddy with Tom, maybe he won't try and hurt me?" Y/N says, looking at the other two males for their opinion.

"I think we should just beat him up!" Carmelo says, blowing in his straw to make bubbles in the milkshake.

"No- I think making friends with him is a great idea! Maybe one day you'll think of him as a member of the group!" Jonathan smiled.

"You think so?" Y/N asked. He thought about Tom being apart of the group, but he couldn't see it happening. Yet he still smiled and nodded when Jonathan asked for his trust, saying that Tom could be a good member to add.

"Ugh, I'm bored! I finished my milkshake and listening to you talk is burning my eardrums off! Let's do something!" Carmelo complained.

"Dad only gave us money to get stuff here. There isn't much we can do." Y/N replied, pulling out his phone to text his father.

Y/N: Is she finished?

. . .

. . .

No reply.

Y/N sighs and stuffs his phone back in his pocket. "Wanna go to the park?" Jonathan asks, smiling. Carmelo immediately nods his head and pushes his older brother a bit. "Go! Go! Get out the seat!" He ordered. Y/N rolled his eyes and got out quickly, tired of being pushed.

They walk out of the cafe and start walking to the park.

"Hey, y/n," Carmelo starts, grabbing his brother's attention, "Why didn't you want us to get those murderers in jail?"

Y/N looks at Jonathan, who nods, wondering the same thing.

"Well uh. . I found out they're not actually murderers. They were playing on prank on us." Y/N said.

"Sure, like I'll believe that. If they were just playing a prank, how did they find you a second time?" Carmelo replied.

"Curse your wits, mello jello.." Y/N thought to himself, smiling and shaking his head. "The real reason is because I became friends with them. There, happy?" Y/N admitted.

"Friends?! You became friends with murderers?! Awesome! Does that mean they'll kill people for you and stuff? Like hitmen?" Carmelo asks excitedly. Y/N chuckled. "I'm not sure about all that, but it is pretty interesting, right? They just roam the forest without ever getting caught." Y/N looked over to the forest beside them, smiling a bit as he wondered what the three were doing.

"There's no houses in the forest. I wonder how they keep from the weather. I wonder how they keep food saved. I wonder how they live." Jonathan said, looking over to the forest aswell. Live. Y/N has never thought about that much before. He's only wondered how they never got caught. How do they live? It was a question y/n suddenly needed an answer to. He craved for the presence of the three men. He had to know.

"Maybe they don't actually live in the forest." Carmelo said, shrugging. "What do you mean by that?" Jonathan asked.

"Well, what if they go house by house?" Carmelo said.

"Like. . . They walk around the forests of towns, looking for abandoned buildings to stay in. They murder then move more into the town by the forests." Y/N said, looking at Carmelo.

"Right! And as they keep moving, they find more abandoned houses to stay in as they travel the world, becoming mass murderers together!" Carmelo said, feeling proud of his thoughts. He figured it would be an amazing movie.

Jonathan nodded, smiling as he shared his thoughts. They discussed this manner until they reached the park, where Carmelo demanded y/n to push him on the swings. Y/N rejected and instead they had a competition to see who could swing the highest as Jonathan watched to declare the winner.

After a bit, y/n checked his phone. His father had replied to his message, but it had been hours after, and now he isn't answering again. Y/N doesn't understand. Why isn't he answering? He isn't even reading the messages. What if something happened? What if they got into another fight?

"Hey, we should start heading back." Y/N says, growing worried for his father. "Aweeee, come on! We've only been here for a few minutes!" Carmelo complained.

"Actually, we've been here for two hours." Y/N stated, telling Carmelo it was time to go home once more. Carmelo groaned and rolled his eyes, dragging behind his older brother and his friend.

"Thank you for coming over, Jon! It was really fun!" Y/N smiled, waving as he began to part ways with Jonathan. "Thank you for having me! If you ever need comforting, just know I'm always here for you. Bye!" Jonathan replied, waving back.

"Bye bye!"

Carmelo looked over to the forest. He seemed to stare at it ever since the murderer incident. Y/N assumed he wanted to be friends with them too, or wondered what they were doing at the moment, like he asked himself aswell. Whatever they were up to, being on the run seems fun in a way.

Y/N didn't announce that they were back home. He walked in and silently closed to door, cringing at the oder that filled the room.

"Ew, do you smell that?" Carmelo said, looking around. They went into the kitchen together, but nothing was laid out on the counter or in the garbage can that could make such a oder. It smelled familiar, but at the same time, it didn't. It held distant memories that weren't the best. Scraping his knee and falling, needing a bandaid to stop the bleeding, his dog biting his hand a little too hard, it bleeding because of it.

Speaking of the dog, she was barking, but it was muffled. Y/N could tell Sunshine was upstairs in Carmelo's room or his own, but why? What was the cause of keeping the dog upstairs? Usually she's able to freely roam.

"Let's go check dad's room. Maybe he's in there." Y/N said. Carmelo nodded and followed him, covering his mouth. He disliked the smell. A lot.

That's the smell. . .

It's blood. . .

Y/N and Carmelo froze, their eyes wide, their breath coming to a stop, their hearts seeming to quit beating as they stared. Stared at their mother, breathing heavily in the middle of her once shared bedroom with her ex husband. A knife dangling in her hands, as if it was about to drop into the pool of red below her feet. The knife itself was stained with red. Fresh, wet, red, blood.

Father. .

Oh father. . .

He lays limp on the floor, nothing but red underneath him and on his battered clothing. He didn't move an inch, his eyes wide, never blinking. Holes were in his body, leaking out the red, thick substance like sap from a tree. It was disgusting and horrifying. The boys almost gagged at the sight, but they kept it in out of fear as their mother swung her head around, looking dead at them. Finally, the silence that had only been filled by her rough breathing, y/n decided to speak, shaking as he did so.

"Why. . . ?"

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