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"Tenten, please come down to the principal's office."

"Oh no." I groaned. This can not be good. Whenever you get called down to the principal's office, it's either really good or really bad. And, since I didn't do anything particularly amazing recently, I figured they must have figured out I cheated on my math test. (What? Calculus requires community effort!)

My classmates all looked to me sympathetically as I walked out the door from my homeroom. I didn't have many friends in my class, pretty much just Lee, but even his face wasn't an optimistic one as I walked toward my supposed doom.

I knocked on Lady Tsunade's door tentatively, trying to get my adrenaline down and my confident "I didn't do it" expression on lock before walking in. When Shizune called me inside, I took a seat opposite the principal, who had a grave look on her face.

"Now Tenten." She said, hands folded neatly on her desk.

"Y-yes?" I squeaked.

"Why haven't you signed up for any extracurriculars?"

"I didn't d—wait. What?" I asked, quite dumbly.

"I said, Why haven't you signed up for any extracurriculars?" She repeated. She then pulled out a few papers to emphasize her point. "It says here that at your old school, you did everything! Art classes, student council, as many sports as you could get your hands on. You've been at Konoha for several months now. What happened, Tenten?'

I shrugged. "Um, well, I'm not sure. I guess I just never got the chance...?"

The principal stared at me with a disbelieving look in her eye. The fact of the matter is, I just wanted to relax more this year. Sure, I did all that when I was a first year student at my old school, but it wasn't easy, and I figured it would be even harder with a more difficult school and more coursework.

"Well." She said. "That's not acceptable Tenten. We admitted you with the hope that you would continue these extracurriculars, and that your athleticism would be suitable for our sports teams, which are some of the best in the country. I really don't understand why you didn't try out for at least one of them."

I nodded silently. Taking everything in.

"So, here's my new assignment for you." She handed me a slip of paper. "I have given you a list of every activity with an opening. You must pick at least five of these activities, and give it back to me by the end of the day. Do you understand?"

My jaw dropped to the floor. "Five? But, Lady Tsunade, that's simply not possible!"

She scoffed. "Relax, Tenten. There are many students who do way more. Your friend Sakura, for example, is one of our best examples of this."

I reminded myself to whip Sakura over the head for being such an overachiever, and walked out of Lady Tsunade's office, reading the paper in my hands.


Swim Team

Chess Team

Debate Team


Volleyball Team

Cheer Team

Soccer Team

Basketball Team (Manager spot available)





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