27 Days

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So Neji and I had been texting for over three weeks now, and I still hadn't told my friends about it. Whenever I was on my phone, they would just assume I was texting some secret boyfriend (which wasn't totally far from the truth to be honest). But, I had to say something I never thought I would say, ever. I actually enjoyed his company. Over text that is. In person he was still an asshole. Every day at student council he forced me to take notes and then yell at me when they weren't good enough, which was practically never because I always zoned out at those wretched meetings. Soccer practice was even worse! He would just glare at me the whole time, even when I did well! Personally, I just think that misogynistic son of a bitch was mad that a girl was doing better than he was, but that's just me.

The other activities I was forced to partake in were actually very nice. In my new art class, I quickly became friends with one of the first years, Sai. We often sat in the back and made fun of the crazy teacher, Sasori-sensei (who always brought the conversation back to puppets for some reason). As for chess, Shikamaru was right. I had barely done anything at all during the meetings, and usually I could skip them without any trouble. (Shikamaru's always asleep anyway so it's not like he keeps track of attendance). Even better than them all was volleyball, which, as expected, I got the hang of pretty quickly. Anko-sensei had even considered bumping me up to starter in the first week! I had to say, I actually would be appreciating my insane life if it weren't for...


"Uggggghhhhhh." The rest of the class (including me) groaned.

Sure, a school culture festival is usually something to look forward to, right? Well, not when Gai-sensei is your homeroom teacher, and insists on making the whole theme about "youth." And despite the disapproval of both Neji (the class rep), and the rest of the class (minus Lee for some reason), our class was to hold a..... wait for it..... "free training session," courtesy of Gai-sensei and the rest of the class (unfortunately). I guess that's what we get for having the P.E. teacher for home room though. We had about a week to prepare ourselves, and today we were planning for what we would do.

"So, what would you like to see for the...er... training session..." Neji asked the front of the class, somewhat awkwardly. He pointed to a girl raising her hand near the front of the class. "Yes?"

"I think all of the boys need to take their shirts off, so that they can accurately work out without being restrained." She said, fluttering her eyes at Neji expectantly.

"Absolutely not."

While some of the girls looked a little disappointed, especially the ho who made butterfly eyes at Neji, I burst out laughing. This earned me some glares from the girls, as well as a weird look from Mr. Class Rep, but I didn't care. Neji's stupid face was too hilarious in this situation not to laugh at.

"Well, Panda Girl," Snapped the girl at the front. "Do you have any better suggestions?"

I cooled down my giggling, wiped my tears, and gave it a second. The whole class was looking at me expectantly. "Um, maybe we could offer prizes for participation incentives? Like, I don't know, candy or something?"

"WHAT AN EXCELLENT IDEA, TENTEN." Lee said. I nodded to him in thanks.

Neji sighed. "Alright. I suppose we do probably need something to get people to engage, so I'll write that down. Anything else?"

The rest of the homeroom went by pretty normally; after my outburst I then retired to doodling on my notebook. Soon, the entire cover was covered in cute pandas eating various foods that pandas definitely should not be eating normally.

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