20 Days

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"Neji, we should leave now."

I groaned as I stared at myself in the mirror. I have never felt more ridiculous on my way to school. Yup. Today was the day of the school festival, and while the whole "to shirt or not to shirt" debacle ended with "to shirt" as the victor (thankfully) the girls (and some boys) in the class created an overwhelming majority that athletic wear must be worn. It did make sense to a certain extent; some members of the class were to participate in the training regimen. I however, had a shift at the water station and didn't see the point in such ridiculous attire for school. I quickly put on a hoodie to at least cover myself a little more and then walked out of the bathroom.

"Ya, ya. I'm coming." I said eventually.

Hinata held her pet bunny with her. She was supposed to provide Mr. Whiskers for their class' petting zoo. I still don't know which idea is less preferable. Having a classroom smelling like animal stench or sweat.

On the ride over, I looked down to my phone, hoping for a text from a certain someone. The mystery girl had barely texted me since my whole date with Chiyo, although I was fairly certain that Chiyo wasn't the right girl. She didn't even remotely fit the description. However, while I thought (or hoped, rather) that the girl was Tenten, I couldn't be sure. I convinced myself that I was just projecting my wishes and that the conclusion was somewhat of a stretch. We only sent each other one text a day, and that was solely to keep to the bet by saying one thing about ourselves. Even so, that information hardly helped. I thought of what I learned about her since the failed date a few days back.

Sunday: She told me she's never tried pickles, but thinks they look gross.

Monday: She loves the ocean.

Tuesday: Her mother died when she was born, and she lives alone with her father.

Wednesday: If she could visit anywhere in the world, she would go to China, where her mother was from.

It didn't seem like I was going to get a text from her anytime soon, so I sent one first.

Dear Pickle Girl:

My fact for the day: Class 2B is doing a workout class. My shift is at the water station at 10:00am. Come visit me.

Dear Waterboy:

First of all: Don't call me "Pickle Girl." I highly disapprove.

Second of all: My fact for the day- I'll be there.

I scrutinized the text on my phone. That hardly counted as a fact, but I guess on the principle neither did mine I supposed. Oh well. I'll just have to keep track of every girl I give water to today, and then cross analyze with any of the girls on the volleyball team, and there I have my answer. Right? But then again, I couldn't even be sure that the girl was on the volleyball team. She didn't ever explicitly say that she was. Sure, that was the only school game going on that day, but what if she meant something different? What if she was on a club team? Ugh. I had it within my grasp. When did this get so complicated?

Our driver dropped us off at school, and I accompanied Hinata to class 1C to drop off her bunny for their petting zoo. I agreed to walk around the classes with her and attend the fashion show held by class 1B before my shift. Honestly the whole idea sounded ludicrous, but watching a fashion show wasn't the worst way to spend an hour I supposed.

Hinata and I first went to an art exhibit held by a third year class. Of the twenty or so works of "art" in the exhibit, most were pretty terrible. We were shuffled around by a blond dude in a half up hairdo who seemed way too into it. Hinata eventually met up with her friend Temari, who seemed just as weirded out as I was, and together we walked to the fashion show to watch Hinata's friend Ino and Temari's boyfriend–Shikamaru I believe.

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