26 Days

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The next morning, I was awoken by a buzz from my phone. I sat up immediately, expecting a text from Tenten. The text I received however, had a very different message than what I was expecting.

-You have one new message from unknown number-

Hiya Neji-kun! I totally agree. A date is in order! I'll meet you at your place at noon tomorrow for lunch. ;)

Dear Mystery Girl:

Um, are you alright?

-You have one new message from unknown number-

Yes Neji, of course I'm alright, lol! You finally found me ;). And you can stop calling me "Mystery Girl," my name is Chiyo.

I looked at my phone in astonishment.



Yep, after racking my brain for several minutes now, I still have no idea who that is. Something is definitely not right here. But, I might as well show up to this date with this Chiyo or whatever so I can figure out what's going on.


Not in my gym bag. Not in my locker. Not in my entire godforsaken house. This calls for a state of emergency.

After completely tearing apart every single aspect of my living quarters, I decided that this was a code red situation, and required the help of my noble comrades, which was why I was sprinting to Hinata's house at the moment.

I arrived at the doorstep of the Hyuga household (mansion more like it), panting and sweating.

Ding Dong

Come on, Hinata. Answer please.....

Ding Dong

I'm having a crisis!

I sighed in relief as I hear footsteps close to the door. The relief quickly turned to terror when it wasn't Hinata who opened it. Oh God, how could I forget he lives here too?

"Oh, um, hey Neji!" I exclaimed as excitedly as I could while still clutching at my side.


Woah woah woah. Rewind for a sec. Forget my previous emergency, did Neji just, stutter? Take out the cameras guys, I want this memory to be implanted in my brain forever. Clearly, the look on my face showed the absolute glee I felt when seeing him in such a vulnerable state. His face became even more red from embarrassment, or was that, a blush? Nah, Neji Hyuga doesn't do that.

"Um, Tenten," He said, a little more composed this time. "What are you doing here?"

Hm. What was I doing here, again? I'm pretty sure it's not to just stare at Neji's face forever. Oh that's right.

"Is Hinata here?" The sudden sense of urgency in my voice seemed to catch him completely off guard. "Sorry, it's kind of an emergency."

He opened the door wider to let me through. "Oh, well in that case, she's in her room."

"Great, thanks Neji!" I yelled as I sprinted up to Hinata's room.

I knocked on her door, and heard the little peep inside that meant I could enter. She was of course surprised to see me without warning, but her surprise immediately turned to concern when she saw the look on my face. "Hinata." I said sternly. "I have an emergency."

Several minutes later, I was pacing around the room while Sakura, Ino, Hinata, and Temari sat on Hinata's bed.

"When was the last time you saw it?" Ino asked.

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