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"No. There is absolutely no way in hell that I'm wearing that."

"Oh, come on Ten!" Ino whined. "You'll look super hot."

"Ya!" Sakura wiggled her eyebrows. "Neji Hyuga won't be able to keep his hands off of you."

"But I want  him to keep his hands off of me!" I exclaimed.

Despite my lamenting, I was forced into a short black strapless dress by the combined efforts of Temari, Ino, Sakura, and okay..... not really Hinata, but still! I may be athletic but you can't blame me for losing three against one.

As I stared in the mirror, I could almost feel Ino's tears enter my personal bubble like meteors on Earth's atmosphere.

"Wow." She breathed. "I was right! You do look hot!"

"Great. Can we go now?" I asked.

Temari waltzed up the mirror with an evil look in her eyes and some scissors in her hands. "Hehe. Now for those pesky buns of yours....."

"First of all.....that's what she said. Second of all..........Temari what the hell! Get those things away from my hair! No, ahhhh!!!!!"

I'm sure Ino's parents assumed there was some sort of satanic ritual going on in her bedroom, and while that's not exactly true, I will be having a memorial service for the perfectly good hair ties that lost their lives that day.

Finally hot enough to leave Ino's bedroom in the eyes of Temari and the others, I escaped the hell hole as quickly as possible and joined my friends, each of whom looked incredibly gorgeous themselves. Hinata was the most surprising of all, finally ditching her modest clothing and wearing a dress that was, well still pretty modest, but much less so than usual, which was a start. Ino and Sakura did not hold back on the glamour, and of course Temari wore the edgiest yet sexiest dress imaginable and I mentally applauded her for her gumption. 

Soon, the doorbell rang, signifying that the guys had finally shown up (late of course, probably thanks to Shikamaru). Sakura enthusiastically ran to the door to open it for the boys. (She was probably the most excited for this dance, finally scoring a date with Sasuke after who knows how many years). She opened the door to Sai (one of the many males who invited Ino to this thing), Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru, and a very, very hot looking Neji. God. You think a guy's attractive until you see him in a suit, and then he's like.......double attractive. Or something.

The look on Neji's face when I walked through the door told me he liked what he saw, and I couldn't help but pull a cocky little smirk in return. Maybe Temari was right about the hair thing. I want to see Neji's face like this more often.

"Well, shall we go then?" He asked me.

"Ya, alright."

I could practically feel Temari's smirk oozing off of her face, and I'm pretty sure I heard the sound of Ino's camera flash. Ugh. I hope I can delete those pictures before they end up as blackmail.

The ride over to the school was somewhat enjoyable. Naruto's godfather had allowed us to take his sketchy-ass van to the dance, which allotted for admittedly an exhilarating ride, especially when combined with Naruto's horrendous driving skills and Hinata's scared yelps at every turn from the passenger seat (which were accompanied with a "relax babe, I totally got this"). Needless to say, he didn't "got this," and Sakura eventually made him pull over so that Sasuke could take the wheel. Unsurprisingly, Sasuke seemed to have much more control over the van.

Probably the best part of the ride though, was the fact that Neji never let go of me, ever. And trust me, the tingly feeling of his skin on mine did not go away once. This action did not go unnoticed by Temari, who several times turned around and winked at me suggestively. Pfft. She's one to talk, she was practically fully in Shikamaru's lap the entire time. How those two don't get arrested daily for maiming the eyes of the public with their PDA, I will never know.

When we finally arrived to the dance, our sketchy van clashing tremendously when compared to the limos and nice buses littered around the parking lot, Neji gave my hand one more squeeze, sending butterflies flying through my stomach, no matter how cheesy that sounds.

"You ready?" He asked.



Well, the dance was just about as underwhelming and overrated as any high school dance I suppose. The music was too loud, the food was probably laced with something, the punch was definitely laced with something, if the attitudes of the dancers was anything to go by, and the room was full of sweaty, awkward, horny teenagers. However, there were some benefits to the fall formal, the biggest one being the beautiful girl attached to my arm, who was admittedly looking a little too overwhelming for me to handle, and I was afraid my senses were starting to show. I'm pretty sure she never noticed though. The second benefit was seeing Inuzuka's raging face when I walked in with said beautiful woman. God I swear I could get off to his angry face, it made me that happy. Okay.....maybe not. Anyway, the last benefit occurred at the end of the night, long after our group had left the completely lame excuse for a dance. Tenten was dropping me off (since I had shown up in Naruto's patchy van).

"So, how did you like our date?" She asked playfully. "Was it up to your standards?"

I pretended to think about it for a moment. "Hm. Well, I wouldn't count that as a date. We just went to the dance together.'

She gave me a surprised look. "Really?"

"Yes." I replied. "I suspect that we will have to go on another one in order for you to fully uphold your end of the bargain."

She laughed out loud, which is a sound I don't think I will ever get tired of. "Oh yeah? Well those weren't the terms of the agreement."

"Ok then. I would like to propose a second agreement."

"Yeah? And what's that."

"I would like to propose a new position for you, as my girlfriend."

Tenten suddenly stopped the car, luckily just right outside of my house. "What?!" Her expression was one of surprise, but seemingly a pleasant one. So, I flashed my signature smirk and kept going.

"Well yes. We will do all of the necessary requirements of being in a relationship, such as dates, spending more time together, kissing, other things of course, if you consent that is..."

That's when she whacked me in the arm pretty hard, but I was on too much of a high to feel any pain.

"Well," I prompted. "Do you agree?"

She laughed and then inched her face closer to mine.

"Yeah Hyuga, I'll agree."

I smirked coyly and closed the gap. Her lips were by far, the softest things I've ever felt with my own. I just wanted to sit there and be with her for the rest of eternity, but I knew there would be plenty more opportunities for that. As I walked to my house, I heard a buzz from my phone before I even reached the door.

Dear Neji:

I better be seeing you a lot more often.

Dear Tenten:

You will. 

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