Chapter 6

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"That's your mom?" Ace asked.

I rolled my eyes, standing up. "Nah, what gave you that idea? We just like to house the local crackheads in the area," I said sarcastically.

"Who's Richard?" Maddox asked angrily, following me to the backdoor.

"Stepdad," I said, not wanting to explain any further.

" stabbed him?" Ace asked in amusement.


"There's a Richard Davis on your list," River unhelpfully added to the discussion.


"So why?" Maddox asked as we entered my small bedroom that barely had enough room for the five of us.

"Because he's a dick, obviously," I said as if it wasn't so complicated.

I opened up my closet as I pulled a t-shirt and jeans out. I lifted my sweatshirt over my head and removed my tank top as I heard the guys make a noise behind me.

"Did he do that to you?" Roman asked, tracing the bruises all over my back, making me wince.

"No," I said as I pulled the t-shirt over my head. I quickly pulled on my jeans so that I didn't have to hear any more questions from the guys. I turned around, seeing the guys watching me with mixed expressions. "What?" I groaned, growing uncomfortable under their stares.

Maddox was about to open his mouth before River interrupted. "First-person on your list, Vicki Stewart. What's the plan?" I internally thanked River for changing the subject. He obviously knew it was making me uncomfortable talking about it.

I sat down on the bed next to Ace as I thought about it. "I don't want to do anything that'll have a long-lasting impact, just something that'll make her regret what she did to me," I thought aloud.

"So, something equivalent to fucking your boyfriend?" Maddox asked, almost angrily.

I looked at him in shock. "Well, that's what made me know for sure she was on the list, but no, it goes further back than that," I said as the guys looked at me to elaborate. "Fine, me and her used to be best friends sophomore year until she screwed me over."

"I used to be really good at school. I even had the highest scores overall in my classes and had an opportunity to win a scholarship. She thought that I hooked up with this guy she had a crush on, so she sabotaged my chances of winning."

"How?" Ace looked at me as if I was People magazine, ready to bring him all of the juicy gossip.

I looked down at my lap, fidgeting with my fingers. "She had hacked into my phone and took some video footage from it and sent it out to the whole school."

"What was on the footage?" River asked, playing with the ends of my hair.

"It was footage of me and another guy having sex, except you could only see my face in it." There was a small silence settling between us so I continued. "Anyways, the colleges saw the footage and disqualified me from being eligible."

"What a bitch," Maddox mumbled as he looked at the ground.

"Well, did you actually hook up with the guy?" Roman asked with a smirk.

I gave him a wide smile. "No, but I sure as hell made sure I did after that. I may have sent her a video of it too...without my face in it of course." I laughed as the other guys chuckled.

"So, what's the plan for blondie?" Ace asked, looking at me more openly than when we met the other day.

I smiled evilly at the Sinners in front of me. "It's a secret, but oh, I can't wait to see the look on her face."

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