●○●Chapter 1- The first time we met○●○

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Y/N Pov

I was going to MalWart to get some food for my place. I had to take care of myself. Since I'm 18. When I went in to MalWart, I saw there's not a lot of people. I didn't seem to care. I mean not a lot of people. I don't bother. (Wow! Very Original! Haha)

MalWart is the place I get my food. Since I don't trust other places. My guardians always take me here so I guess I just trust this place.

After done getting what I needed I started to head back home. I heard someone conversation

"Hey. Did you know there opening a new store?"

"Do you know what store that is exactly?"

"Well they say it's a bakery. But I don't believe that. I think is a place full of cake."

"That's bakery.."

"Oh shut up Anyways it's at 79th street across from MalWart."

'Hm I guess I'll check there. After I put these stuff away. I deserve it. ' I thought.

I finally made to my apartment. Put the stuff away and head to the bakery.

'They said on 79th street across from MalWart.'

You saw the bakery and it says

'Ringo's Treats!'

'That's a weird name' I thought

I head inside and no customer was here. Interesting. I started to head to the counter and a woman says

"Welcome to Ringo's Treats, How may I help you?"

"What do you guys have?" I asked

"Only cakes ma'am" She said.

'Bruh I should have known.' I thought.

"I'll guess I have (Your favorite flavor of cake)"

"Okay. That will be 2688.28 yen please. And what's your last name so we can call you."


I gave her my yen and I waited. She said

"It's going to take you 20-30 minutes. So you can sit or come back if you want to."


"Your welcome"

I waited and then another customer came. This person looks like he wasn't from here in York New City. He is about my age. His beautiful blue eyes he has, his hair color is silver and kinda a mess but looks beautiful either way. 

I stopped looking at him since I have been staring at him so long. I heard him say

"I'll have a chocolate cake please"

He is a big fan of chocolate.

I take out my phone and started to text my friend.

Killua's Pov

I saw the girl looking at me for about a min or two.

I look at her. She had the most beautiful (e/c [eye color]) eyes I ever seen. Her beautiful (h/c [hair color]) hair is so (wavy/straight) that I could even put my fingers through her hair.

She's perfect. I want her. No. I need her.

So I sit across from her. She didn't saw me so I decided to start a conversation.

"This place is kinda slow. In my regular place I always go they finished my cake in about 10 minutes."

She look up. Put her phone away and said

"What's your bakery that you go to called?" Beautiful woman asked.

"It's called sweet sugar desserts. It's really good. I really recommended it."

"Hm. I guess I'll give it a try."

"My name is Killua. What's yours?"

"My name is (Y/n) it's a pleasure to meet you"

"It's a pleasure to meet you m-"

"ORDER FOR (L/N)" The lady yelled.

I got interrupted. In front of (Y/n). I look at her. She look at me.

"Well it's nice seeing you. Hope we can see each other soon."

"It was nice seeing you as well. See you next time."

She got up and got her cake and she left the bakery. And went right. I keep looking at her till I don't see her.


I walk to the counter and she gave me my cake and I got it and killed her.

No one will interrupts me in front of my (Y/n) angel.

I want to know every information about her. Before she can be all mine and no one else.

Poet (These poets are very important you have to keep in mind. Good luck)

The first time they met were nice,
Soon He will not make her have peace,
Don't let a zoldyck kill you,
You wish he never bump into,
Now he is a sucker for you.💕

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